Mind-Body Balance: Techniques for Integrated Wellness in 2024

As we step into 2024, the quest for wellness takes on a holistic dimension, emphasizing the seamless connection between the mind and the body. In an era where stress and fast-paced lifestyles are the norms, finding balance has never been more critical. Integrated wellness focuses on harmonizing our mental and physical health, leading to a more centered, vibrant, and fulfilling life. This comprehensive guide will explore techniques and practices that foster this essential balance, offering you a blueprint for a truly balanced lifestyle in 2024.

Embracing the Harmony of Mind and Body

The concept of mind-body balance is rooted in the understanding that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. Conversely, what we do with our physical body (what we eat, how much we exercise, even our posture) can impact our mental state. This reciprocal relationship forms the foundation of integrated wellness, where practices like yoga, meditation, mindful eating, and stress management become pivotal.

Yoga: A Path to Physical and Mental Flexibility

Yoga is a timeless discipline that unites the body, mind, and spirit through a combination of postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Its benefits are manifold; it enhances flexibility, improves posture, and promotes respiratory and cardiovascular health. Beyond the physical, yoga is a powerful tool for calming the mind, reducing stress, and enhancing mindfulness.

Meditation: The Art of Presence

Meditation involves training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. It can increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings, reduce stress, promote emotional health, and enhance concentration. In 2024, incorporating meditation into your daily routine can be a simple yet profound step toward achieving mind-body harmony.

Mindful Eating: Nourishment for Body and Soul

Mindful eating is about using mindfulness to reach a state of full attention to your experiences, cravings, and physical cues when eating. It involves eating slowly, without distraction, savoring each bite, and listening to the body's hunger and satiety signals. This practice can transform your relationship with food, leading to improved digestion, weight management, and a deeper appreciation for the nourishment you receive.

Stress Reduction Strategies: Cultivating Inner Peace

In the face of our fast-paced world, learning to manage stress is crucial for maintaining balance. Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and engaging in hobbies can significantly mitigate stress levels. Additionally, setting realistic goals, practicing self-compassion, and seeking social support can empower you to handle life's challenges with resilience and grace.

Conclusion: Journeying Towards Integrated Wellness

The journey to integrated wellness is a personal and dynamic process. As we embrace 2024, let's commit to practices that unite our minds and bodies, fostering a state of balance and harmony. By integrating techniques like yoga, meditation, mindful eating, and effective stress management into our lives, we can achieve a holistic sense of well-being. This path not only enhances our physical health but enriches our mental and emotional landscapes, leading to a more vibrant and fulfilling existence. Embrace the harmony of mind and body this year, and watch as the transformative effects ripple through every aspect of your life. Here's to a balanced, centered, and healthy 2024!

Embracing Heart Health: Nutrition, Exercise, and Lifestyle Tips

February, the month of love, offers the perfect opportunity to turn our focus inward and show some love to our hearts. As we celebrate Heart Health Month, it's crucial to remember that heart disease remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. However, the good news is that many of these risks can be mitigated with the right nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices. In this guide, we'll explore expert tips and practical advice to help you maintain a healthy heart, ensuring you have all the tools you need for a life filled with vitality and wellness.

Nutrition: Fueling Your Heart with Love

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in heart health. A heart-healthy diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. It emphasizes the importance of minimizing processed foods, saturated fats, and sugars. Here are some key nutritional tips to keep your heart beating strong:

  • Incorporate Omega-3s: Found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, omega-3 fatty acids are champions for heart health. They help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease.

  • Fiber is Your Friend: High-fiber foods such as oats, beans, lentils, fruits, and vegetables can help lower cholesterol levels and promote a healthy weight.

  • Limit Salt and Processed Foods: Reducing sodium intake and processed foods can decrease blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.

Exercise: Get Your Heart Pumping

Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy heart. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Here's how you can integrate heart-pumping exercises into your routine:

  • Find Activities You Enjoy: Whether it's brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or dancing, engaging in physical activities you love can make exercise feel less like a chore.

  • Incorporate Strength Training: Muscle-strengthening activities, such as weightlifting or yoga, twice a week can improve heart health by reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass.

  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Aim to make exercise a regular part of your daily routine, setting realistic goals and gradually increasing intensity and duration.

Lifestyle: Living with Heart in Mind

Lifestyle choices have a significant impact on heart health. Beyond diet and exercise, consider these additional tips:

  • Quit Smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease. Quitting can dramatically reduce your risk.

  • Manage Stress: High levels of stress can lead to heart disease. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or engaging in hobbies.

  • Get Enough Sleep: Poor sleep can affect blood pressure and heart health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.

Conclusion: A Heart Full of Health

Embracing a heart-healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. This Heart Health Month, let's commit to making small, manageable changes in our nutrition, exercise routines, and lifestyle choices. By doing so, we not only improve our heart health but also enhance our overall well-being. Remember, loving your heart means a happier, healthier life. So, let's use this February to kickstart our journey towards a heart full of health. Celebrate your heart, not just this month but every day, with choices that lead to a longer, more vibrant life.

Harness the Power of Plant-Based Eating: Tips and Delicious Recipes

In a world where dietary choices play a pivotal role in our well-being, plant-based eating has emerged as a powerful and sustainable way to nourish our bodies. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just starting to explore the benefits of plant-centric meals, this blog post is here to guide you on the incredible journey of plant-based eating. Discover the transformative power of plants, and let's delve into some valuable tips and delectable recipes to elevate your culinary experience.

The Power of Plant-Based Eating:

Nourishment for the Body and Soul:

  • Plant-based eating is not just a trend but a lifestyle promoting health and wellness. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains provides essential nutrients, antioxidants, and fibre that support overall well-being. Plant-based diets have been linked to lower risks of chronic diseases, improved heart health, and increased energy levels.

Environmental Impact:

  • Embracing a plant-based lifestyle extends beyond personal health benefits. It contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Plant-based diets generally have a lower carbon footprint, as they require fewer resources and result in fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to animal-based diets.

Diverse and Flavorful:

  • Contrary to the misconception that plant-based eating is bland, it offers a world of flavours, textures, and culinary creativity. With a myriad of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds at your disposal, plant-based meals can be as exciting and diverse as any other cuisine.

Tips for Successful Plant-Based Eating:

Balance and Variety:

  • Ensure a well-rounded diet by incorporating a variety of plant-based foods. Include a spectrum of colours in your meals to ensure a diverse range of nutrients.

Protein-Packed Plant Foods:

  • While plants might not contain complete proteins, combining different sources like beans, lentils, quinoa, and tofu ensures you get all the essential amino acids.

Mindful Meal Planning:

  • Plan your meals to ensure you're getting a mix of macronutrients. This helps avoid nutrient deficiencies and ensures a satisfying and nourishing eating experience.

Delicious Plant-Based Recipes:

  • Chickpea and Spinach Coconut Curry:

    • 1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

    • 2 cups fresh spinach

    • 1 can of coconut milk

    • 1 onion, finely chopped

    • 2 cloves garlic, minced

    • 1 tablespoon curry powder

    • Salt and pepper to taste

    • Olive oil for cooking

  • Instructions:

    • In a large pan, sauté the chopped onion and garlic in olive oil until translucent.

    • Add chickpeas, spinach, curry powder, salt, and pepper. Stir well.

    • Pour in the coconut milk and let the curry simmer for 15-20 minutes.

    • Serve over brown rice or quinoa for a hearty and satisfying meal.

  • Roasted Vegetable and Quinoa Salad:

    • 1 cup quinoa, cooked

    • Assorted vegetables (e.g., cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, carrots), chopped

    • 1/4 cup balsamic vinaigrette dressing

    • Fresh basil leaves for garnish

    • Salt and pepper to taste

  • Instructions:

    • Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).

    • Toss the chopped vegetables in olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until golden.

    • In a bowl, combine the cooked quinoa, roasted vegetables, and balsamic vinaigrette.

    • Garnish with fresh basil leaves and enjoy a colourful and nutritious salad.


Embark on a journey of plant-based eating and unlock a world of health, sustainability, and culinary delight. By incorporating diverse plant foods into your meals and embracing the power of nature's bounty, you're not only nourishing your body but also contributing to a healthier planet. Try the recipes, experiment with flavours, and savour the transformative journey toward a vibrant, plant-powered life.

Embrace the Winter Glow: A Guide to Staying Active, Vibrant, and Healthy

As winter blankets the world in a serene layer of snow, it's easy to feel tempted to hibernate indoors. However, maintaining an active and vibrant lifestyle during the colder months is not only essential for physical health but also for mental well-being. In this guide, we'll explore nutrition tips, skincare routines, and fitness ideas to help you embrace the winter glow and stay at your best throughout the season.

Nutrition Tips:

Embrace Seasonal Superfoods:

  • Incorporate winter fruits and vegetables like citrus fruits, pomegranates, sweet potatoes, and Brussels sprouts into your diet. These nutrient-rich foods provide essential vitamins and antioxidants to boost your immune system and energize you.

Stay Hydrated:

  • Despite the cold weather, it's crucial to stay hydrated. Opt for warm beverages like herbal teas, broths, and hot water with lemon to keep your body replenished and support healthy skin.

Healthy Fats for Radiant Skin:

  • Include sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil, in your meals. These fats contribute to supple skin and also help to combat the drying effects of winter weather.

Skin Care Routines:

Hydration is Key:

  • Winter air tends to be dry, which can lead to skin dehydration. Use a rich, moisturizing cream to keep your skin hydrated and protected. Consider products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

Gentle Exfoliation:

  • Incorporate a gentle exfoliator into your skincare routine to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover. This helps maintain a radiant complexion, even in the harsh winter conditions.

Sunscreen, Even in Winter:

  • Remember sunscreen, even on cloudy winter days. UV rays can still penetrate through clouds and cause skin damage. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it to exposed skin areas.

Fitness Ideas:

Indoor Workouts:

  • Embrace indoor workouts to stay active during chilly days. Try activities like yoga, Pilates, or bodyweight exercises. Online fitness classes and apps offer a variety of guided sessions to keep you motivated.

Outdoor Winter Activities:

  • Take advantage of the winter wonderland by engaging in outdoor activities like skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or even a brisk winter hike. These activities not only keep you fit but also allow you to enjoy the beauty of the season.

Stay Consistent:

  • Establish a consistent fitness routine. Set realistic goals and find a workout schedule that works for you. Consistency is key to maintaining energy levels and overall well-being throughout the winter months.


Winter doesn't have to be a season of inactivity and dullness. You can stay active, vibrant, and healthy by prioritizing nutrition, adopting a proper skincare routine, and incorporating various fitness activities. Embrace the winter glow and make this season a time of self-care and well-being.

Healing Holidays: Embracing Ecotherapy for a Sustainable and Joyful Season

As the holiday season approaches, many of us eagerly anticipate the festivities, family gatherings, and the warmth of seasonal traditions. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, it's crucial to pause and consider the impact our celebrations have on the environment and our well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of ecotherapy and delve into the importance of incorporating eco-friendly practices during the holidays to foster both environmental sustainability and personal well-being.

The Essence of Ecotherapy:

Ecotherapy, or nature therapy, is a therapeutic practice that emphasizes the healing power of the natural world. As we immerse ourselves in nature, whether through walks in the woods, gardening, or simply spending time outdoors, we tap into a wellspring of physical and mental health benefits. The holidays, with their potential for stress and excess, provide a perfect opportunity to integrate ecotherapy into our festive routines.

Mindful Consumption:

One of the primary tenets of ecotherapy is mindful consumption, which aligns seamlessly with the holiday spirit. Instead of succumbing to the culture of excess, consider adopting a more conscious approach to gift-giving. Opt for sustainable and locally sourced presents, supporting artisans and businesses that prioritize eco-friendly practices. Thoughtful, meaningful gifts not only reduce environmental impact but also enhance the joy of giving.

Sustainable Decorations:

Transforming your living space into a winter wonderland doesn't have to come at the expense of the planet. Embrace eco-friendly decorations such as recycled paper ornaments, reusable fabric banners, and potted plants that can be incorporated into your home or garden long after the holidays. This not only reduces waste but also brings the beauty of nature indoors.

Connecting with Nature:

Amidst the holiday chaos, take intentional breaks to connect with nature. Whether it's a brisk winter walk, a hike, or simply sitting in a local park, spending time outdoors can be a grounding and rejuvenating experience. Encourage family and friends to join you in outdoor activities, creating shared moments that foster a sense of community and well-being.

Sustainable Feasting:

The holiday season is synonymous with feasting, but this doesn't mean compromising on sustainability. Choose locally sourced and organic ingredients for your festive meals. Consider incorporating plant-based options and reducing meat consumption to lower your carbon footprint. Additionally, minimize single-use plastics and opt for reusable tableware to cut down on waste.

Eco-Conscious Traditions:

Reimagine your holiday traditions through an eco-conscious lens. Instead of disposable wrapping paper, use reusable fabric or repurposed materials. Create DIY ornaments with natural elements like pinecones or dried citrus slices. These small adjustments can infuse your celebrations with a sense of mindfulness and responsibility.

The Gift of Time:

Ultimately, one of the most precious gifts you can give during the holidays is the gift of time. Spend quality moments with loved ones, engage in meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories. Whether it's a nature hike, a volunteer project, or a simple day of relaxation, these experiences contribute to both personal well-being and a sustainable approach to celebrating the season.


This holiday season, let's shift our focus from consumption to connection, from excess to essence. By embracing ecotherapy principles, we can create a holiday experience that is not only sustainable for the planet but also nourishing for our minds and spirits. In doing so, we cultivate a deeper appreciation for the natural world and pave the way for a more harmonious and fulfilling festive season.

Sweet Dreams: Proven Bedtime Rituals for Blissful Sleep

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, achieving a restful night's sleep has become a coveted luxury. Stress, screen time, and busy schedules often disrupt our sleep patterns, leaving us tossing and turning in the dark. However, incorporating bedtime rituals into your routine can be a game-changer for your sleep quality. In this blog post, we'll explore proven bedtime rituals that serve as sleep-inducing habits, helping you drift into dreamland effortlessly.

  1. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine:
    Establishing a consistent pre-sleep routine signals to your body that it's time to wind down. Engage in calming activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle stretches. By doing so, you condition your mind and body to relax before bedtime.

  2. Unplug from Screens:
    The blue light emitted by electronic devices interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Aim to disconnect from screens at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, opt for activities that promote relaxation, such as listening to soothing music or practicing mindfulness meditation.

  3. Mindful Breathing Exercises:
    Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your bedtime routine to calm the nervous system. Focus on your breath, taking slow and deep inhales through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth. This simple practice helps reduce stress and induces a sense of tranquillity.

  4. Set the Mood with Ambient Lighting:
    Adjust the lighting in your bedroom to create a sleep-conducive environment. Dim the lights as bedtime approaches to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Consider using warm-coloured, soft lighting to create a cozy atmosphere that promotes relaxation.

  5. Limit Caffeine and Heavy Meals:
    Consuming caffeinated beverages or heavy meals close to bedtime can disrupt sleep. Aim to avoid these substances at least four to six hours before bedtime. Instead, opt for a calming cup of caffeine-free herbal tea, such as chamomile or lavender.

  6. Invest in Comfortable Bedding:
    Your sleep environment plays a crucial role in the quality of your rest. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows that support proper alignment. Additionally, choose breathable, soft bedding to enhance your overall sleep experience.

  7. Journaling for a Clear Mind:
    If your thoughts tend to race as soon as your head hits the pillow, consider journaling before bedtime. Write down any lingering thoughts, worries, or to-dos. This practice can help clear your mind and create a sense of closure, allowing you to relax and ease into sleep.

  8. Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule:
    Consistency is key when it comes to sleep. Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally.


Incorporating these proven bedtime rituals into your routine can pave the way for a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you, and soon you'll be enjoying sweet dreams and waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. Sweet dreams!

The Ultimate Guide to Naturally Beautiful Skin: Unlocking the Secrets of Radiance

Are you tired of dull, lacklustre skin that lacks that radiant glow? Look no further. In this comprehensive guide, we will unlock the secrets to naturally beautiful skin, helping you achieve the luminosity you've always desired. Packed with expert advice and practical tips, this guide will take you on a journey to discover the key to unlocking your skin's natural radiance. From the role of nutrition in skin health and harnessing the power of nature with effective natural skincare ingredients, to crafting your perfect skincare routine and adopting lifestyle habits for glowing skin, we have you covered. So, get ready to embark on a transformative skincare journey as we dive into the ultimate guide to naturally beautiful skin.,

Nourish from Within: The Role of Nutrition in Skin Health

One essential aspect of achieving naturally beautiful skin is nourishing it from within. Just as we carefully select skincare products and develop daily routines tailored to our skin type, it's important to remember that proper nutrition plays a significant role in promoting skin health and radiance. By fueling our bodies with the right nutrients, we can support our skin's natural processes and enhance its overall appearance.

What we eat directly affects our skin, as it is our body's largest organ. A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids can work wonders in nurturing our skin and helping it thrive. Antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables such as berries, leafy greens, and tomatoes, help protect against free radicals and reduce inflammation, contributing to a healthier complexion.

Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, are crucial for maintaining a strong skin barrier and promoting hydration, resulting in plump and supple skin. Additionally, incorporating foods rich in vitamin E, such as almonds, spinach, and avocados, can help moisturize and protect the skin from damage caused by environmental stressors.

Furthermore, it's important to stay adequately hydrated to support optimal skin health. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps flush out toxins, keeps the skin moisturized, and maintains its natural elasticity. Hydration from within is the foundation of healthy, glowing skin.

However, it's not just about what we consume, but also about what we avoid. Certain foods, such as processed sugars, greasy foods, and excessive alcohol, can contribute to skin problems like acne and inflammation. By minimizing the intake of these potentially detrimental ingredients, we can better support our skin's natural radiance.

To optimize the benefits of nutrition on our skin, it's helpful to consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can provide tailored guidance and recommendations. They can help identify any specific dietary concerns or deficiencies that may be impacting the health and appearance of our skin.

Remember, nourishing your skin from within is an essential piece of the puzzle on your journey to naturally beautiful skin. By making conscious choices about what we eat and drink, we can nourish our skin, protect it from within, and unlock its radiant potential. So, let's delve deeper into the world of effective natural skincare ingredients and discover how nature can work in harmony with our skin in the next section.,

Harness the Power of Nature: Effective Natural Skincare Ingredients

To optimize the benefits of nutrition on our skin, it's helpful to consult with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can provide tailored guidance and recommendations. They can help identify any specific dietary concerns or deficiencies that may be impacting the health and appearance of our skin.

Remember, nourishing your skin from within is an essential piece of the puzzle on your journey to naturally beautiful skin. By making conscious choices about what we eat and drink, we can nourish our skin, protect it from within, and unlock its radiant potential. 

Now, let's delve deeper into the world of effective natural skincare ingredients and discover how nature can work in harmony with our skin. Nature has provided us with a plethora of powerful ingredients that can enhance the health and appearance of our skin, without the need for harsh chemicals or synthetic additives.

One such ingredient is aloe vera, a soothing and hydrating plant extract known for its healing properties. Aloe vera gel can alleviate dryness, reduce inflammation, and promote smooth and supple skin. It's a versatile ingredient that can be used in homemade face masks, moisturizers, and even as a spot treatment for acne.

Another natural powerhouse is rosehip oil, derived from the seeds of wild rose bushes. Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, rosehip oil can deeply nourish the skin, improve elasticity, and fade scars or hyperpigmentation. Its lightweight texture makes it suitable for all skin types, and it can be used as a facial oil or added to your favourite moisturizer for an extra boost of hydration.

Tea tree oil, with its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, is a wonderful natural remedy for acne-prone skin. It can help control excess oil production, reduce redness and swelling, and prevent breakouts. However, it's important to use tea tree oil sparingly and dilute it properly before applying it to the skin, as it can be irritating when used in high concentrations.

These are just a few examples of the many effective natural skincare ingredients available. From honey and coconut oil to green tea and chamomile, nature offers us a treasure trove of ingredients that can revitalize our skin and unlock its natural radiance.

Now that we've explored the power of nature's ingredients, it's time to craft our perfect skincare routine, taking a holistic approach to achieve and maintain naturally beautiful skin.,

Crafting Your Perfect Skincare Routine: A Holistic Approach

Now that we've explored the power of nature's ingredients, it's time to craft our perfect skincare routine, taking a holistic approach to achieve and maintain naturally beautiful skin. Just as nature provides us with a diverse range of ingredients, it's important to create a skincare routine that encompasses various elements to address our skin's unique needs.

When it comes to crafting a holistic skincare routine, it's crucial to understand that one size does not fit all. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Therefore, it's important to listen to your skin and tailor your routine accordingly. 

Start by identifying your skin type and concerns. Is your skin oily or dry? Do you struggle with acne or hyperpigmentation? By gaining a clear understanding of your skin's needs, you can select the right products and treatments that will bring out the best in your skin.

Consider incorporating a gentle cleanser into your daily routine to remove dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Follow it up with a toner to balance the skin's pH levels and prep it for further treatments. 

Next, introduce targeted treatments such as serums or facial oils to address specific skincare concerns. Whether it's brightening dull skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, or soothing inflammation, there are products available that can help you achieve your desired results.

Don't forget to moisturize! Regardless of your skin type, moisturizing is an essential step in any skincare routine. Look for a moisturizer that suits your skin's needs, whether it's lightweight and oil-free or rich and nourishing.

In addition to topical treatments, don't underestimate the power of self-care. Taking care of your skin goes beyond the products you use. It's about adopting healthy habits and prioritizing your overall well-being. This includes getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, and managing stress levels. Remember, your skin reflects your inner state of health and happiness.

Ultimately, crafting your perfect skincare routine is a journey of trial and error. It may take some time to find the right combination of products and treatments that work best for you. Be patient with yourself and be open to adjusting your routine as needed. By taking a holistic approach and listening to your skin's needs, you'll be well on your way to achieving naturally beautiful and radiant skin.

With a holistic skincare routine in place, we can now delve into the lifestyle habits that can further enhance our skin's radiance.,

Lifestyle Habits for Glowing Skin: Beauty Starts from Within

With a holistic skincare routine in place, we can now delve into the lifestyle habits that can further enhance our skin's radiance.

1. Nourish Your Body from the Inside Out: Beautiful skin starts with a healthy diet. What you put into your body can significantly impact the health and appearance of your skin. Incorporate nutrient-rich foods into your meals, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote a glowing complexion. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water each day helps flush out toxins and keeps your skin hydrated from within.

2. Get Your Beauty Sleep: It's called beauty sleep for a reason! A good night's rest is essential for healthy skin. During sleep, your body repairs and rejuvenates itself, including your skin. Lack of sleep can lead to a dull complexion, dark circles, and fine lines. Aim for 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to allow your skin to regenerate and wake up looking refreshed.

3. Manage Stress Levels: High levels of stress can wreak havoc on your skin. Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that can lead to increased oil production, breakouts, and premature aging. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing yoga or deep breathing exercises, engaging in hobbies you enjoy, or seeking social support. Taking time for self-care and relaxation not only benefits your overall well-being but also reflects positively on your skin's appearance.

4. Protect Your Skin from the Sun: Sun damage is one of the leading causes of premature aging and skin damage. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial for maintaining a radiant complexion. Whenever you step outside, even on cloudy days, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Wear protective clothing, like hats and sunglasses, and seek shade during peak sun hours. Remember, sun protection is a year-round commitment, not just during the summer months.

5. Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise not only keeps your body fit but also benefits your skin. Physical activity improves blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells. Sweating during exercise helps flush out toxins and unclog pores, promoting a clearer complexion. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week, whether it's a brisk walk, yoga class, or any activity you enjoy.

By incorporating these lifestyle habits into your daily routine, you can enhance the radiance of your skin. Remember, beauty truly starts from within, and taking care of your overall well-being is just as important as the products you use. So, embrace a balanced lifestyle, nourish your body, and listen to your skin's needs for naturally beautiful and glowing skin.,

In conclusion, this ultimate guide has armed you with the knowledge and tools necessary to unveil your skin's natural beauty and radiance. By nourishing your skin from within, harnessing the power of nature, adopting a holistic skincare routine, and cultivating healthy lifestyle habits, you can unlock the secrets of a naturally beautiful complexion.

Now is the time to take action and embrace the transformative power of nature. Prioritize the role of nutrition in your skincare journey and develop a personalized routine that caters to your unique needs. Remember, beauty starts from within, and by adopting these practices, you are not only investing in your skin's health and radiance but also enhancing your overall well-being.

So, don't wait any longer—start your journey to a naturally beautiful skin today! With the right approach, dedication, and commitment, you can achieve the glowing complexion you've always dreamed of. As the saying goes, "The best foundation you can wear is healthy glowing skin." Take a step towards this goal and witness the remarkable transformation that awaits you.

As you embark on this path, keep in mind that your skin is a reflection of your inner self. By nurturing it with care, you're not just enhancing your physical appearance but also embracing self-love and self-care. So go ahead, unlock the secrets of radiance, and let your natural beauty shine.

Top Tips To Keep Your Immune Health In Good Shape

Fall is here, and soon enough the air will start getting drier while kids are back in school encountering more germs and viruses. That means your immune system will need to kick into overdrive to keep you healthy!


Thankfully, you can build an “immune support tool kit” to arm yourself for the cold and flu season ahead! Here are my top tips.


What Is The Immune System?


Every day, our body is exposed to an array of potentially dangerous microbes. Our immune system keeps us protected, recognizing foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, and parasites and working to neutralize them so that they do not harm our systems.


Our immune systems work so well to protect us every day, we don’t even notice it doing its job! But when the immune system becomes compromised, that’s when we face illness.


There are two parts of the immune system:

●      Our innate immune system works as a general defense against pathogens that try to enter our body. This includes our skin, which keeps out most pathogens, stomach acids that destroy them, and the enzymes in our sweat and tears that create antibacterial compounds.

●      Our adaptive immune system recognizes pathogens it has already been in contact with and creates antibodies that are specific to that pathogen and destroy it. The immune system then adapts by remembering the pathogen, so that if it enters again, these antibodies and cells are even more adept at destroying it.

Now that we know how the immune system works on a basic level, let’s look at some of the ways you can support it!


Immune-Supportive Supplements & Herbs

Studies have found that people who are poorly nourished have a greater risk of catching viral, bacterial, and other infections. Certain nutrients are essential to the immune system – they work as antioxidants to protect healthy cells, support the growth and activity of immune cells, and produce antibodies. These are just a few supplements known to support the immune system:


●      Vitamin D helps enhance the pathogen-fighting abilities of our white blood cells, and is also anti-inflammatory. Many people have low vitamin D levels, which has been correlated with a poor immune response. One study found that supplementing vitamin D markedly decreased the risk of respiratory infections in people who were deficient.

●      Zinc is essential for immune system function. Specifically, it protects the tissue barriers in the body that prevent foreign pathogens from entering. Studies show that zinc supplements can protect against respiratory tract infections, including the common cold. And if you are already sick, zinc supplements have been found to reduce the duration of the sickness.

●      Probiotics. Leaky gut syndrome is a major cause of food sensitivities, autoimmune disease, and a weakened immune system, so it is important to consume probiotic foods and supplements. Probiotics, aka good gut bacteria, help you digest nutrients that support the detoxification of your colon and support your immune system.


In terms of herbs, the following have shown strong immune-supportive effects:


●      Echinacea has potent antiviral properties for fighting off respiratory viral infections.

●      Elderberry has been used as a healing medicine for thousands of years. Recently, test tube studies have demonstrated the plant’s antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is especially protective against upper respiratory tract infections and strains of the influenza virus.

●      Ginseng can support the performance of your immune system by regulating the different types of immune cells. It also has antimicrobial properties that defend against bacterial and viral infections.


Foods For Immune Support

While supplements can be helpful for filling in nutritional gaps, eating a well-balanced and nutrient-dense diet is one of the best things you can do to prevent illnesses. Here are a few superfoods that will help fortify your immunity this cold season:


●      Bone broth will help keep you warm and healthy during the colder months. Bone broth supports good gut health, which studies have shown contributes to the strength of your immune system. In fact, around 70–80% of immune cells are present in the gut! The collagen and amino acids (proline, glutamine, and arginine) in bone broth seal openings in the gut lining, protecting against inflammation. It is also highly dense in vitamins and minerals that are essential to our body’s health.

●      Ginger has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for its immune-supportive properties. Its warming effect is believed to help break down toxins in the body. Additionally, studies have found ginger to be antimicrobial and may be helpful in warding off infectious diseases.

●      Vitamin-C-rich foods such as citrus fruits, broccoli, and red bell peppers have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system. Vitamin C supports the function of various immune cells and augments their ability to fight infections. It also plays a role in cellular death, which helps keep your immune system clear out old cells and replace them with new ones, keeping it healthy.


Lifestyle Tips For Immune Health


Maintaining a healthy immune system is not as simple as just eating the right foods, though this is crucial. Our habits and lifestyle also determine the strength of our immune response. These are some of the most important facets of an immune-supporting lifestyle:


●      Reduce stress: Studies show that having chronic stress levels can suppress protective immune responses and also worsen pathological immune responses. It is important to make stress-relieving practices a part of your daily routine to promote good health and healing. This could be a yoga or meditation practice, a daily walk, reading – whatever helps to calm your mind.

●      Prioritize sleep: When your body lacks sleep, the immune system’s ability to do its job and protect against pathogens gets compromised. Studies have found that adults who slept less than six hours a night are four times more likely to get a cold than adults who slept more than seven hours! Good sleep hygiene is a must for optimal rest and health – avoid all screens, alcohol, coffee, and heavy, fatty meals before bedtime.

●      Exercise daily: Incorporating some kind of physical activity into your regimen is vital to strengthening your immune system. A recent study found that high levels of exercise in older adults (55-79) helped slow the gradual deterioration of the immune system that occurs with age.

●      Practice good hygiene: Regular handwashing is a simple but effective tool for preventing the spread of viruses and diseases. Wash your hands after coming in from outdoors, before and after preparing and eating food, after using the toilet, and after coughing or blowing your nose. Avoid unnecessarily touching your face as well.



Take a proactive approach to immune system support with this handy toolkit before cold and flu season really kicks in! If you have questions, book an appointment to come in for a personal consultation aimed at supporting your immunity. Stay happy and healthy!





Childs CE, Calder PC, Miles EA. Diet and Immune Function. Nutrients. 2019 Aug 16;11(8):1933. doi: 10.3390/nu11081933. PMID: 31426423; PMCID: PMC6723551.


Medrano M, Carrillo-Cruz E, Montero I, Perez-Simon JA. Vitamin D: Effect on Haematopoiesis and Immune System and Clinical Applications. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Sep 8;19(9):2663. doi: 10.3390/ijms19092663. PMID: 30205552; PMCID: PMC6164750.


Martineau AR, Jolliffe DA, Greenberg L, Aloia JF, Bergman P, Dubnov-Raz G, Esposito S, Ganmaa D, Ginde AA, Goodall EC, Grant CC, Janssens W, Jensen ME, Kerley CP, Laaksi I, Manaseki-Holland S, Mauger D, Murdoch DR, Neale R, Rees JR, Simpson S, Stelmach I, Trilok Kumar G, Urashima M, Camargo CA, Griffiths CJ, Hooper RL. Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory infections: individual participant data meta-analysis. Health Technol Assess. 2019 Jan;23(2):1-44. doi: 10.3310/hta23020. PMID: 30675873; PMCID: PMC6369419.


Prasad AS. Zinc: role in immunity, oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009 Nov;12(6):646-52. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e3283312956. PMID: 19710611.


Hemilä H. Zinc lozenges and the common cold: a meta-analysis comparing zinc acetate and zinc gluconate, and the role of zinc dosage. JRSM Open. 2017 May 2;8(5):2054270417694291. doi: 10.1177/2054270417694291. PMID: 28515951; PMCID: PMC5418896.


La Fata, G., Weber, P. & Mohajeri, M. Probiotics and the Gut Immune System: Indirect Regulation. Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. 10, 11–21 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12602-017-9322-6


Hudson J, Vimalanathan S. Echinacea—A Source of Potent Antivirals for Respiratory Virus Infections. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2011 Jul 13;4(7):1019–31. doi: 10.3390/ph4071019. PMCID: PMC4058675.


Krawitz C, Mraheil MA, Stein M, Imirzalioglu C, Domann E, Pleschka S, Hain T. Inhibitory activity of a standardized elderberry liquid extract against clinically-relevant human respiratory bacterial pathogens and influenza A and B viruses. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Feb 25;11:16. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-11-16. PMID: 21352539; PMCID: PMC3056848.


Kang S, Min H. Ginseng, the 'Immunity Boost': The Effects of Panax ginseng on Immune System. J Ginseng Res. 2012 Oct;36(4):354-68. doi: 10.5142/jgr.2012.36.4.354. PMID: 23717137; PMCID: PMC3659612.


Wiertsema SP, van Bergenhenegouwen J, Garssen J, Knippels LMJ. The Interplay between the Gut Microbiome and the Immune System in the Context of Infectious Diseases throughout Life and the Role of Nutrition in Optimizing Treatment Strategies. Nutrients. 2021 Mar 9;13(3):886. doi: 10.3390/nu13030886. PMID: 33803407; PMCID: PMC8001875.


Mashhadi NS, Ghiasvand R, Askari G, Hariri M, Darvishi L, Mofid MR. Anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of ginger in health and physical activity: review of current evidence. Int J Prev Med. 2013 Apr;4(Suppl 1):S36-42. PMID: 23717767; PMCID: PMC3665023.


Carr AC, Maggini S. Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients. 2017 Nov 3;9(11):1211. doi: 10.3390/nu9111211. PMID: 29099763; PMCID: PMC5707683.


Dhabhar FS. Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Immunol Res. 2014 May;58(2-3):193-210. doi: 10.1007/s12026-014-8517-0. PMID: 24798553.


Dhabhar FS. Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Immunol Res. 2014 May;58(2-3):193-210. doi: 10.1007/s12026-014-8517-0. PMID: 24798553.


da Silveira MP, da Silva Fagundes KK, Bizuti MR, Starck É, Rossi RC, de Resende E Silva DT. Physical exercise as a tool to help the immune system against COVID-19: an integrative review of the current literature. Clin Exp Med. 2021 Feb;21(1):15-28. doi: 10.1007/s10238-020-00650-3. Epub 2020 Jul 29. PMID: 32728975; PMCID: PMC7387807.

Duggal NA, Pollock RD, Lazarus NR, Harridge S, Lord JM. Major features of immunesenescence, including reduced thymic output, are ameliorated by high levels of physical activity in adulthood. Aging Cell. 2018 Apr;17(2):e12750. doi: 10.1111/acel.12750. Epub 2018 Mar 8. PMID: 29517845; PMCID: PMC5847865.


Duggal NA, Pollock RD, Lazarus NR, Harridge S, Lord JM. Major features of immunesenescence, including reduced thymic output, are ameliorated by high levels of physical activity in adulthood. Aging Cell. 2018 Apr;17(2):e12750. doi: 10.1111/acel.12750. Epub 2018 Mar 8. PMID: 29517845; PMCID: PMC5847865.

Endometriosis: A Natural Approach

Severe pain during your period, bloating, and painful intercourse shouldn’t be accepted as normal. Women experiencing these symptoms could have endometriosis, a condition affecting about 10% of females of reproductive age. Despite its prevalence, endometriosis can be difficult to treat, and it often worsens over time. As a result, endometriosis can have an ongoing negative impact on a woman’s life. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Let’s take a look at the symptoms and causes behind endometriosis and some natural ways to treat it.

What Is Endometriosis?

The endometrium is the lining of your uterus, which comes from the Greek word "endo" meaning within. When the endometrium grows outside of the uterus and spreads to other organs in the abdominal cavity like the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, and rectum, it's called endometriosis. This condition is affected by estrogen levels and causes swelling, inflammation, and adhesions around the affected organs, essentially locking them in place. 

Is Endometriosis The Reason Behind Your Pain?

The most pronounced sign of endometriosis is pain in the abdomen, often extreme and debilitating. Severely painful periods are a common symptom, but pain can also be felt in other areas, like the back, legs, and rectum. 

Other physical symptoms include:

  • Painful bowel movements

  • Pain during intercourse

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Heavy periods

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue

The pain from endometriosis is different from regular menstrual cramps. It’s often chronic, occurring at all times of the month, and regular pain relievers for cramps don’t have much of an impact. 

Not surprisingly given the pain experienced, it can also have a large impact on a woman’s mental health. Many women with endometriosis also experience anxiety and depression. Insomnia is also common.

Endometriosis can also impact fertility. One study found that as many as 50% of women seeking treatment for infertility have endometriosis!

Say Goodbye To Pain And Discomfort From Endometriosis

A healthy lifestyle that aims to reduce inflammation is the best approach to ending endometriosis. Be sure to include the following in your daily routine. 

1 - Eat an anti-inflammatory diet

  • Prioritize whole foods. To reduce inflammation, choose whole foods, particularly foods high in antioxidants, like brightly coloured veggies, and omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, nuts, and eggs. Avoid overly processed foods. 

  • Eat organic. Some research shows that pesticides and artificial colourings can contribute to endometriosis. 

  • Go gluten-free.  Studies show many women’s symptoms improved after eliminating gluten.

  • Avoid red meat. Red meat is linked to the development of endometriosis. Women who replace red meat with fish experience fewer symptoms. 

  • Use caution with dairy. A few studies show that dairy consumption actually reduces the risk of endometriosis, but some women do report it worsens their symptoms. Keep a food diary to see how dairy consumption affects you. If you do eat dairy, choose organic products whenever possible.

  • Drink ginger or green tea. If you experience nausea, some warm ginger tea will bring relief. Green tea has antioxidant properties to help with inflammation.

  • Focus on fibre. Your body eliminates excess estrogen in your stool, so boosting your fibre content is a good idea.It can also help with any constipation triggered by endometriosis. 

  • Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is inflammatory and many women report it makes their symptoms worse.

2 - Exercise has so many benefits!

Exercise has been found to be an effective natural way of managing pain and inflammation associated with endometriosis. While it might seem counterintuitive to engage in physical activity while experiencing pelvic pain, low-impact exercises like walking, yoga, and swimming can help reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. 

Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers that can alleviate the severity of menstrual cramps and pain caused by endometriosis. Furthermore, regular exercise can help improve blood flow to the pelvic area, which can reduce inflammation and help the body flush out toxins. Incorporating gentle exercise into your routine can provide a significant relief for endometriosis symptoms, although it's important to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.

3 - Supplements that can help

Some supplements that treat endometriosis include:

  • Bromelain. This enzyme, found in pineapple, can relieve symptoms.

  • Turmeric. An anti-inflammatory spice also available in supplement form. 

  • DIM or diindolylmethane is a compound created when you eat cruciferous vegetables. It can improve the way estrogen receptors react to estrogen. 

  • NAC or N-acetyl cysteine can slow the growth of endometrial cells. 

We can work together to create a supplement regime that matches your health profile. It’s always important to work with a professional, since some supplements can interact or may not be suited for your unique needs.

4 - Try your best to reduce stress.

The pain associated with endometriosis can take a large toll on women’s health. It’s important to prioritize self-care. And, by building a relaxation routine, you could even slow the growth of endometriosis. 

Living with endometriosis is stressful. Chronic stress worsens inflammatory conditions like endometriosis. It also disrupts hormonal balance and can lead to estrogen dominance. The end result is often a cycle of worsening symptoms. 

Mindful meditation, yoga, and moderate exercise can help manage your body’s reaction to stress. Take the time for relaxing activities like warm baths and massages. Cognitive therapy can also help you develop strategies for coping.

I’m here to help you treat endometriosis the natural way so you don’t have to deal with the pain and other symptoms. Reach out today to get started.


World Health Organization, “Endometriosis” 


Warzecha D, Szymusik I, Wielgos M, Pietrzak B. The Impact of Endometriosis on the Quality of Life and the Incidence of Depression-A Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 May 21;17(10):3641. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17103641. PMID: 32455821; PMCID: PMC7277332.

Ball E, Khan KS. Recent advances in understanding and managing chronic pelvic pain in women with special consideration to endometriosis. F1000Res. 2020 Feb 4;9:F1000 Faculty Rev-83. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.20750.1. PMID: 32089831; PMCID: PMC7001750

Buggio L, Barbara G, Facchin F, Frattaruolo MP, Aimi G, Berlanda N. Self-management and psychological-sexological interventions in patients with endometriosis: strategies, outcomes, and integration into clinical care. Int J Womens Health. 2017;9:281-293


Qi X, Zhang W, Ge M, Sun Q, Peng L, Cheng W, Li X. Relationship Between Dairy Products Intake and Risk of Endometriosis: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis. Front Nutr. 2021 Jul 22;8:701860. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.701860. PMID: 34368211; PMCID: PMC8339299.

Li Piani, L., Chiaffarino, F., Cipriani, S. et al. A systematic review and meta-analysis on alcohol consumption and risk of endometriosis: an update from 2012. Sci Rep 12, 19122 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21173-9

A Qualitative Study on the Practice of Yoga for Women with Pain-Associated Endometriosis, Andrea Vasconcelos Gonçalves, Maria Y. Makuch, Maria Silvia Setubal, Nelson Filice Barros, and Luis Bahamondes Published Online: 1 Dec 2016 https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2016.0021

Lete I, Mendoza N, de la Viuda E, Carmona F. Effectiveness of an antioxidant preparation with N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid and bromelain in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pelvic pain: LEAP study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2018 Sep;228:221-224. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.07.002. Epub 2018 Jul 6. PMID: 30007250.

Morales-Prieto DM, Herrmann J, Osterwald H, Kochhar PS, Schleussner E, Markert UR, Oettel M. Comparison of dienogest effects upon 3,3'-diindolylmethane supplementation in models of endometriosis and clinical cases. Reprod Biol. 2018 Sep;18(3):252-258. doi: 10.1016/j.repbio.2018.07.002. Epub 2018 Jul 9. PMID: 30001982.

Cuevas M, Cruz ML, Ramirez AE, Flores I, Thompson KJ, Bayona M, Vernon MW, Appleyard CB. Stress During Development of Experimental Endometriosis Influences Nerve Growth and Disease Progression. Reprod Sci. 2018 Mar;25(3):347-357. doi: 10.1177/1933719117737846. Epub 2017 Nov 6. PMID: 29108503; PMCID: PMC6343219.

Spring Allergies Got You Down? These Natural Solutions Can Give You Relief!

Spring is often characterized as a season of renewal, hope, and rebirth. However, for many, it’s also a season of runny noses, itchy and watery eyes. In fact, about 25% of  North Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, with the spring season being the biggest offender. 

Spring allergies typically happen when your immune system detects a substance, often  a windborn pollen, as something dangerous and mounts a defensive response by releasing histamines. Histamines spring into action to try to rid your body of that substance, but the results are annoying symptoms like:

  • Sneezing

  • Watery eyes

  • Coughs

  • Runny noses

  • Headaches

  • Scratchy throats

  • Congested ears

  • Fatigue

Birch pollen is a common trigger in the spring, as well as cedar, willow and poplar pollen.

Many people also experience reactions indoors that are triggered by dust, mold, or pet dander. 

You might also wonder why some people develop allergies, while others sail through spring unscathed? It’s likely a combination of genetics, physiology, and environment. You’re also more likely to have allergies if you have asthma. 

Let’s take a deep dive into some strategies for combating spring allergies the natural way.

Natural Allergy Solutions And Home Remedies

1 - Keep a clean, allergy-free environment

It goes without saying that if your allergies are triggered by dust or mold, you should keep a clean home. You also want to be sure you’re eliminating any grass or pollen you’ve tracked in. Some people find they have to wear an N-95 mask when they clean because of the dust they stir up. Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and using a HEPA air filter can help keep your home allergen-free.

2 - Switch to natural cleaning products

An often-overlooked risk of cleaning the home is reactions to cleaning products. Many commonly used products contain chemicals that have been shown to damage lung function. Many studies have found several harmful effects from commercial cleaning agents, and conclude that household products like vinegar, soap, water, vinegar, and baking soda can accomplish as much as their more harmful counterparts.

Here's a simple recipe for an all-purpose natural home cleaning solution:

1 cup white vinegar

1 cup water

10-15 drops of your favourite essential oil (optional)


In a spray bottle, mix together the white vinegar and water. If desired, add 10-15 drops of your favourite essential oil. Tea tree oil, lavender oil, and lemon oil are all great options for their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Shake well to mix all the ingredients together.

Use the natural cleaning solution to clean and disinfect surfaces throughout your home. Simply spray the solution on the surface and wipe clean with a cloth.

This natural cleaning solution is safe, effective, and free of harmful chemicals found in many commercial cleaning products. Plus, the addition of essential oils can leave your home smelling fresh and clean!

3 - Herbal remedies

Here are a few herbal supplements that are known to help with allergy relief:

  • Butterbur: This herb has been used for centuries to treat allergies and asthma. It contains natural antihistamines, which can help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion.

  • Stinging nettle: This herb is a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. It can be taken in supplement form or made into a tea to help relieve allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion.

  • Licorice root: This herb has natural anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. It can be taken as a supplement or made into a tea to help relieve symptoms such as coughing and sore throat associated with allergies.

  • Ginger: This root has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and itchy eyes. It can be taken in supplement form or added to food and drinks as a spice.

As with any herbal supplement, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider before taking them, especially if you have any medical conditions or take other medications.

4 - Saline nasal irrigation

Flushing your nasal passages with saline water can ease allergy symptoms. Be sure to use saline water, not salt water, and work with clean tools.

5 - Essential oils for allergy relief

There are several ways to reap the benefits of essential oils in allergy treatment. Note, however, that some people are allergic to certain oils, so start slowly and make notes on how you feel with each one you try.  You can use a diffuser, dab some diluted oil behind your ears, spray diluted oil into the air, or simply breathe in their scent right from the container. Effective oils include:

  • Lavender, which works by reducing inflammation in the nasal passages. Try adding some to a warm bath!

  • Eucalyptus, which also helps inflamed nasal passages. You’ll notice a welcome cooling sensation when you breathe it in. 

  • Peppermint also has anti-inflammatory properties

  • Frankincense has been used for centuries to reduce asthma and respiratory symptoms. 

6 - Probiotics

Probiotics help maintain a good balance of bacteria in your gut, which in turn supports your immune system. Talk with your healthcare practitioner about the right probiotics for you. Eating fermented foods like tempeh, kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut can also help maintain a healthy biome in your gut. 

7 - Good nutrition

A well-rounded diet centred around whole foods helps your immune system and overall well-being. To help combat allergies, be sure to include:

  • Plenty of vitamin C, which can reduce your histamine levels. 

  • Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, like nuts and fatty fish, which fight inflammation

  • Food that contains bromelain, such as pineapple and mangos. Bromelain has been shown to reduce allergy symptoms.

  • Foods high in quercetin, which inhibits histamine production. Good sources of quercetin include broccoli and cauliflower. 

It’s also important to pay attention to any foods that cause an allergic reaction or exacerbate other allergies. I can conduct blood tests and other tests to determine this. When you’re experiencing allergy symptoms, keep a detailed diary of anything you consume to help narrow the cause.

8 - Acupuncture

According to traditional Chinese medicine, allergies are caused by an imbalance in the body's energy flow or "qi". Acupuncture helps to rebalance this energy and boost the immune system, leading to a reduction in allergy symptoms. Additionally, acupuncture is a safe and drug-free option for those looking for natural solutions to allergy relief.

9 - Exercise

Exercise can increase circulation in your lungs and nasal passages, which can help with congestion and drainage. However, exercising outdoors can trigger seasonal allergies, so you may have to stick to indoor workouts for the season. Alternatively, stick to morning or evening activities which often carry the smallest risk since the dew can weigh down pollen. And, be sure to shower and wash your clothes after exercising outdoors, since you may be carrying pollen!

You don’t have to suffer with terrible allergy symptoms this spring! A few simple steps can reduce your symptoms and help you get back to enjoying the nice weather outdoors. Please let me know if you’d like to talk about any of these tips.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Allergies” https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/allergies.htm

Dave ND, Xiang L, Rehm KE, Marshall GD Jr. Stress and allergic diseases. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. 2011 Feb;31(1):55-68. doi: 10.1016/j.iac.2010.09.009. PMID: 21094923; PMCID: PMC3264048.

Svanes Ø, Bertelsen RJ, Lygre SHL, Carsin AE, Antó JM, Forsberg B, García-García JM, Gullón JA, Heinrich J, Holm M, Kogevinas M, Urrutia I, Leynaert B, Moratalla JM, Le Moual N, Lytras T, Norbäck D, Nowak D, Olivieri M, Pin I, Probst-Hensch N, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Skorge TD, Villani S, Jarvis D, Zock JP, Svanes C. Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 May 1;197(9):1157-1163. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201706-1311OC. PMID: 29451393.


International Journal of Novel Research in Life Sciences Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp: (31-38), Month: March - April 2015, Available at: www.noveltyjournals.com Page | 31 Novelty Journals Health Issues and Environmental Impact of Cleaning Agents Sabharwal, Jyotie Department of Botany; Khalsa College For Women, Civil Lines, Ludhiana-141002, Indi

Changes in Latina Women’s Exposure to Cleaning Chemicals Associated with Switching from Conventional to “Green” HousehPark KH, Sim DW, Lee SC, Moon S, Choe E, Shin H, Kim SR, Lee JH, Park HH, Huh D, Park JW. Effects of Air Purifiers on Patients with Allergic Rhinitis: a Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Study. Yonsei Med J. 2020 Aug;61(8):689-697. doi: 10.3349/ymj.2020.61.8.689. PMID: 32734732; PMCID: PMC7393300.old Cleaning Products: The LUCIR Intervention Study

Hermelingmeier KE, Weber RK, Hellmich M, Heubach CP, Mösges R. Nasal irrigation as an adjunctive treatment in allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2012 Sep-Oct;26(5):e119-25. doi: 10.2500/ajra.2012.26.3787. PMID: 23168142; PMCID: PMC3904042.

Kim G. Harley, Lucia Calderon, James E.S. Nolan, Randy Maddalena, Marion Russell, Katherine Roman, Stephanie Mayo-Burgos, Jessica Cabrera, Norma Morga, and Asa Bradman

Published:1 September 2021CID: 097001https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP8831Cited by:6

Bielory L, Heimall J. Review of complementary and alternative medicine in treatment of ocular allergies. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Oct;3(5):395-9. doi: 10.1097/00130832-200310000-00013. PMID: 14501441.

Bielory L, Heimall J. Review of complementary and alternative medicine in treatment of ocular allergies. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003 Oct;3(5):395-9. doi: 10.1097/00130832-200310000-00013. PMID: 14501441.

Ueno-Iio T, Shibakura M, Yokota K, Aoe M, Hyoda T, Shinohata R, Kanehiro A, Tanimoto M, Kataoka M. Lavender essential oil inhalation suppresses allergic airway inflammation and mucous cell hyperplasia in a murine model of asthma. Life Sci. 2014 Jul 17;108(2):109-15. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2014.05.018. Epub 2014 Jun 5. PMID: 24909715.

Common spring allergies, causes and symptoms

Liu Z, Liu X, Sang L, Liu H, Xu Q, Liu Z. Boswellic acid attenuates asthma phenotypes by downregulation of GATA3 via pSTAT6 inhibition in a murine model of asthma. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015 Jan 1;8(1):236-43. PMID: 25755710; PMCID: PMC4348891.

Zajac AE, Adams AS, Turner JH. A systematic review and meta-analysis of probiotics for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2015 Jun;5(6):524-32. doi: 10.1002/alr.21492. Epub 2015 Apr 20. PMID: 25899251; PMCID: PMC4725706.

Secor ER Jr, Szczepanek SM, Castater CA, Adami AJ, Matson AP, Rafti ET, Guernsey L, Natarajan P, McNamara JT, Schramm CM, Thrall RS, Silbart LK. Bromelain Inhibits Allergic Sensitization and Murine Asthma via Modulation of Dendritic Cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013;2013:702196. doi: 10.1155/2013/702196. Epub 2013 Dec 5. PMID: 24381635; PMCID: PMC3870104.

Mlcek J, Jurikova T, Skrovankova S, Sochor J. Quercetin and Its Anti-Allergic Immune Response. Molecules. 2016 May 12;21(5):623. doi: 10.3390/molecules21050623. PMID: 27187333; PMCID: PMC6273625.

He M, Qin W, Qin Z, Zhao C. Acupuncture for allergic rhinitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Med Res. 2022 Apr 25;27(1):58. doi: 10.1186/s40001-022-00682-3. PMID: 35462555; PMCID: PMC9036742.

Why Oral Health Matters

A central tenet of holistic health is the interconnectedness of all the elements that make up your wellbeing. Through this approach, we learn how our lifestyle choices can impact health in ways we may not expect. But, an often-overlooked component of these complex connections is your oral health. 

Having a plan to protect your oral health is vital to your wellbeing. That’s because your general health can be significantly impacted by the condition of your teeth and gums - which means more than having a bright smile.

In fact, around 50 different medical conditions are impacted by poor oral health, many in ways you might not expect, including:

  • Mental health. This is a complex relationship. Poor oral health and unattractive teeth can lead to low esteem and chronic pain. And, people with depression are less likely to take care of their teeth and gums. One study found that the MRIs of people with poor oral health showed changes to the structure of the brain.

  • Cardiovascular and respiratory health. Did you know people with periodontal disease (inflamed and/or infected gums) have two to three times the risk of having a cardiovascular crisis like a heart attack? Scientists suspect that the inflammation in your gums raises inflammation elsewhere, increasing C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which are a sign of inflammation in the blood vessels. In addition, bacteria from the mouth move to the respiratory system, potentially leading to conditions like pneumonia. 

  • Gut health. Bacteria in your mouth can enter the intestines, so there is a positive correlation between having conditions like IBS and periodontal disease. 

  • Reproductive health. You might be surprised to learn that poor oral health can lead to erectile dysfunction. The inflammation and oxidative stress brought on by periodontal disease in males can  impact  blood vessels, including the flow of blood to the penis. As well, studies have shown that periodontal disease in women can increase the time it takes to conceive.

Steps For Better Oral Health, The Natural Way

Below is a proven plan for improving your oral health - backed by science. 

1 - Ensure regular dental care. 

Twice-yearly dental visits are an important component to any oral health plan. Consider seeking out a holistic dentist who focuses on prevention and lifestyle changes as opposed to invasive treatments. Ask for me for recommendations! 

2 - Brush and floss regularly.

Brush after every meal with a soft-bristle brush. Some research has found detrimental effects from toothpaste with fluoride, although the American Dental Association continues to recommend it. It’s best to discuss the risks and benefits with your dentist. 

Flossing after every meal is also a good best practice. Be sure to wrap the floss securely around each tooth - your dentist can show you how. If you don’t enjoy flossing, stick to it for a while, and any bleeding gums you may experience should get better with time. You could use a water irrigator to get rid of food and plaque between your teeth. 

3 - Add oil pulling with coconut oil to your routine.

Oil pulling can reduce bacteria, help with bad breath, and improve gum health. It’s easy to do: just “swish” about one tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes. Many people find this easiest with coconut oil because of its taste. To keep your drains clear, be sure to spit the oil out in a garbage can, not the sink!

4 - Meet your body’s nutritional needs.

Just like the rest of your body, your teeth depend on essential nutrients to stay strong. Calcium, magnesium, and potassium are especially important, so focus on leafy greens, beans, and fresh fruit. 

It may be necessary to supplement your diet to make sure you have adequate amounts of these nutrients, so work with your healthcare provider to make sure your nutritional needs are being met. 

5 - Bad breath? Scrape your tongue regularly.
Your tongue is an important component of your oral health because bacteria can be caught on your tongue and spread through your mouth and to the rest of your body. 

Scraping your tongue is exactly what it sounds like, and you can use especially designed tongue scrapers to clean it.

The majority of bad breath (halitosis) is also caused by bacteria that accumulate on the tongue. By removing these bacteria, tongue scraping can help to eliminate bad breath.

As an added bonus, your sense of taste may improve as well! 

6 - Protect your gut health and the balance of bacteria in your mouth

Your oral health influences your gut health, but this relationship goes both ways, as the bacterial balance in your gut will impact your oral health as well. In addition to eating high-fibre, natural foods to support gut health, consider supplementing with a probiotic for a good balance of bacteria, in your mouth and in your gut. As an added bonus, probiotics can improve halitosis. 

7 - Rinse with sea salt water. 

Rinsing with warm salt water reduces your mouth’s acidity and protects tooth enamel. If you find the taste unpleasant, just add a few drops of essential oils. 

8 - Replace mercury fillings.

Older fillings may contain mercury, which has noted harmful health effects including fatigue, depression, and headaches. With time, the mercury can leak out of the fillings. Before this happens, take a proactive approach by asking your dentist to replace any mercury fillings with fillings made of resin.

Assessing Your Oral Health

Keep in mind that many factors contribute to oral health. Because some of these change over time, it’s important to adjust your healthcare routines as needed. As women age, for example, shifting hormones can increase their risk of periodontal disease. 

Some things to keep an eye on include:

  • Are your gums bleeding or sore?

  • Are your teeth sensitive to hot or cold items?

  • Do you feel pain when you bite?

  • Are your gums receding?

  • Does your jaw “click” with movement?

  • Do you have bad breath?

If you notice any of these conditions, it may be time to evaluate your oral health plan and make some changes.


Byrd KM, Gulati AS. The "Gum-Gut" Axis in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Hypothesis-Driven Review of Associations and Advances. Front Immunol. 2021 Feb 19;12:620124. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.620124. PMID: 33679761; PMCID: PMC7933581.

Humphrey LL, Fu R, Buckley DI, Freeman M, Helfand M. Periodontal disease and coronary heart disease incidence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Dec;23(12):2079-86. doi: 10.1007/s11606-008-0787-6. Epub 2008 Sep 20. PMID: 18807098; PMCID: PMC2596495.

Papageorgiou SN, Hagner M, Nogueira AV, Franke A, Jäger A, Deschner J. Inflammatory bowel disease and oral health: systematic review and a meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2017 Apr;44(4):382-393. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.12698. Epub 2017 Mar 6. PMID: 28117909.

Kisely S. No Mental Health without Oral Health. Can J Psychiatry. 2016 May;61(5):277-82. doi: 10.1177/0706743716632523. Epub 2016 Feb 10. PMID: 27254802; PMCID: PMC4841282.

 Rajesh KS, Thomas D, Hegde S, Kumar MS. Poor periodontal health: A cancer risk? J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2013 Nov;17(6):706-10. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.124470. PMID: 24554877; PMCID: PMC3917197.

Bansal M, Khatri M, Taneja V. Potential role of periodontal infection in respiratory diseases - a review. J Med Life. 2013 Sep 15;6(3):244-8. Epub 2013 Sep 25. PMID: 24155782; PMCID: PMC3786481.

Farook F, Al Meshrafi A, Mohamed Nizam N, Al Shammari A. The Association Between Periodontitis and Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Mens Health. 2021 May-Jun;15(3):15579883211007277. doi: 10.1177/15579883211007277. PMID: 34013796; PM

American Heart Association, “Poor Oral Health May Contribute to Declines in Brain Health,” https://newsroom.heart.org/news/poor-oral-health-may-contribute-to-declines-in-brain-health\

Dutt P, Chaudhary S, Kumar P. Oral health and menopause: a comprehensive review on current knowledge and associated dental management. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2013 Jul;3(3):320-3. doi: 10.4103/2141-9248.117926. PMID: 24116306; PMCID: PMC3793432.

Riccia DN, Bizzini F, Perilli MG, Polimeni A, Trinchieri V, Amicosante G, Cifone MG. Anti-inflammatory effects of Lactobacillus brevis (CD2) on periodontal disease. Oral Dis. 2007 Jul;13(4):376-85. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2006.01291.x. PMID: 17577323.

Burton JP, Chilcott CN, Moore CJ, Speiser G, Tagg JR. A preliminary study of the effect of probiotic Streptococcus salivarius K12 on oral malodour parameters. J Appl Microbiol. 2006 Apr;100(4):754-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2006.02837.x. PMID: 16553730.

Almas K, Al-Sanawi E, Al-Shahrani B. The effect of tongue scraper on mutans streptococci and lactobacilli in patients with caries and periodontal disease. Odontostomatol Trop. 2005 Mar;28(109):5-10. PMID: 16032940.

Timmesfeld N, Kunst M, Fondel F, Güldner C, Steinbach S. Mechanical tongue cleaning is a worthwhile procedure to improve the taste sensation. J Oral Rehabil. 2021 Jan;48(1):45-54. doi: 10.1111/joor.13099. Epub 2020 Nov 22. PMID: 32978806.

Kaushik M, Reddy P, Sharma R, Udameshi P, Mehra N, Marwaha A. The Effect of Coconut Oil pulling on Streptococcus mutans Count in Saliva in Comparison with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2016 Jan 1;17(1):38-41. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-1800. PMID: 27084861.

Colgate, How High Alkaline Foods Benefit Your Teeth, https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/nutrition-and-oral-health/how-high-alkaline-foods-benefit-your-teeth

O'Hagan-Wong K, Enax J, Meyer F, Ganss B. The use of hydroxyapatite toothpaste to prevent dental caries. Odontology. 2022 Apr;110(2):223-230. doi: 10.1007/s10266-021-00675-4. Epub 2021 Nov 22. PMID: 34807345; PMCID: PMC8930857.

Mortazavi SM, Neghab M, Anoosheh SM, Bahaeddini N, Mortazavi G, Neghab P, Rajaeifard A. High-field MRI and mercury release from dental amalgam fillings. Int J Occup Environ Med. 2014 Apr;5(2):101-5. PMID: 24748001; PMCID: PMC7767616.

The PCOS and Gut Health Connection

Up to five million women in the U.S. have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), but this condition remains frustratingly difficult to diagnose and treat. One study found that 70% of women with PCOS haven’t been diagnosed, so they continue to experience debilitating symptoms.

With a wide range of symptoms, PCOS can have a profound influence on a woman’s life. In fact, studies have found a high incidence of anxiety and depression among women with PCOS. 

The health of our gut microbiome– the trillions of living organisms found in the intestine– plays a large role in overall health. This is especially true for women dealing with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Conventional treatments often fall short in treating PCOS and any treatment plan for PCOS must take into consideration gut health among many other hormone-balancing solutions.

Let’s take a look at the connection between PCOS and gut health and ways to manage and treat this condition naturally to get back to feeling your best.

What Is PCOS? 

PCOS is a complicated hormonal condition that affects women’s ovaries, causing them to produce an excess of androgens, or male hormones. This can lead to a variety of symptoms such as:

  • Cysts in the ovaries

  • Irregular menstrual cycles 

  • Infertility 

  • Acne 

  • Insulin resistance

  • Thinning hair on the scalp 

  • Excess face & body hair 

  • Chronic inflammation 

  • Obesity & weight gain

PCOS is the leading cause of infertility in women. It can also lead to numerous serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. 

Traditional treatment usually involves starting hormonal birth control to “balance” hormonal levels. However, this tends only to mask the condition and overlooks the crucial importance of gut health. As soon as women stop taking the pill, symptoms can reappear worse than before.

Studies have found that women with PCOS have a different gut microbiome composition than those without the condition. Making changes to improve your gut health can therefore have a huge impact on PCOS symptoms and your physical and mental well-being. 

What Causes PCOS? 

There is no clear cut answer as to why some women develop PCOS. Many factors can contribute –  including your genetics and your environment. One of the leading theories is that PCOS can be caused by an imbalance in the gut microbiome. 

What is the gut microbiome?

There are many types of bacteria living in our gut. Most are beneficial strains of bacteria that help produce essential vitamins, regulate our immune system, impact metabolism, alter hormone levels, muscle strength and even regulate our mood.

A diverse gut microbiome with the proper balance of good and bad bacteria is optimal for health. However, when there is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, this is referred to as dysbiosis

How is gut dysbiosis linked to PCOS? 

Women with PCOS are shown to have higher rates of dysbiosis and less diversity in the gut microbiome than those without the condition. They present higher levels of harmful bacteria which contribute to inflammation and metabolic dysfunction. 

An excess of bad bacteria leads to inflammation in the body, which can then increase insulin levels in the blood. Excess insulin then triggers an increase in androgen production from the cells of the ovaries. 

Restoring The Gut Microbiome To Treat Symptoms Of PCOS

Now that we have explored the link between gut imbalance and PCOS, it is time to focus on some of the ways you can promote gut health. The good news is that small tweaks to your diet and lifestyle can improve the functioning of your gut in as little as 24 hours. Some simple steps include: 

1 - Eat more fibre.

A diet rich in fibre is highly beneficial for supporting the good bacteria in the gut. The recommended amount of fibre for women is 25 grams per day, which can be found in plant foods like beans, lentils, vegetables, and whole grains. 

2 - Increase prebiotics + probiotics in the diet.

Prebiotics are non-digestible, fermentable components of foods that help kick start digestion and promote beneficial gut bacteria. They have also been shown to help reduce insulin resistance and lower androgens. They are found in foods like garlic, onion, bananas, and apples. 

Probiotics are found in fermented foods. They contain live bacterias that help your gut microbiome flourish. They can be found in foods like tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt, and are also available in supplement form. There are many different kinds of probiotic supplements, with varying degrees of effectiveness, so it’s important to work with a practitioner to determine the best one for you. 

3 - Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Artificial sweeteners are known to have a harmful effect on the gut microbiome and can worsen insulin resistance. Opt for natural forms of sweeteners such as raw honey, maple, or date syrup. 

4 - Sleep more.

Lack of sleep causes a great deal of stress to the body, which can in turn promote inflammation and gut dysregulation. Sleep also factors in how our body is able to handle blood sugars by altering insulin levels. You should aim to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. This might mean adjusting your sleep hygiene, avoiding caffeine and limiting screen time before bed. 

5 - Manage stress.

Researchers have found a link between psychological stress and dysbiosis. While reducing stress in your life can feel sometimes like an impossible task, develop ways to manage it. For example, you could take a close look at the stressors surrounding you, and work to create boundaries to protect your peace of mind. Relaxing activities like yoga, meditation, and walks in nature also help.

6 - Exercise regularly.

Exercise helps with sleep and stress, and studies show it can actually improve the state of your microbiome. Moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and improve biodiversity in your gut. However, it’s important not to overtax your body, which can lead to harmful cortisol production. Steady state cardio, strength training, and mobility training can be the foundations to a good routine, but don’t hesitate to get some guidance if you’re not sure where to start. 

Many areas of health, including your hormonal health, begin in the gut. For women with PCOS, maintaining gut health is especially important and can help alleviate unwanted symptoms and prevent serious health issues.

Eating a variety of whole foods, avoiding artificial sweeteners, and prioritizing sleep are a few simple steps women with PCOS can take to optimize the diversity of their gut microbiome and overall health. If you have any questions on the best treatments for PCOS, please give me a call!


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “PCOS and Diabetes” https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/basics/pcos.html

Balikci A, Erdem M, Keskin U, Bozkurt Zincir S, Gülsün M, Özçelik F, Akgül EÖ, Akarsu S, Öztosun M, Ergün A. Depression, Anxiety, and Anger in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2014 Dec;51(4):328-333. doi: 10.5152/npa.2014.6898. Epub 2014 Dec 1. PMID: 28360650; PMCID: PMC5353166.

Guo Y, Qi Y, Yang X, Zhao L, Wen S, Liu Y, Tang L. Association between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Gut Microbiota. PLoS One. 2016 Apr 19;11(4):e0153196. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153196. PMID: 27093642; PMCID: PMC4836746.


González F. Inflammation in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: underpinning of insulin resistance and ovarian dysfunction. Steroids. 2012 Mar 10;77(4):300-5. doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2011.12.003. Epub 2011 Dec 8. PMID: 22178787; PMCID: PMC3309040.

Ojo O, Feng QQ, Ojo OO, Wang XH. The Role of Dietary Fiber in Modulating Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Nutrients. 2020 Oct 23;12(11):3239. doi: 10.3390/nu12113239. PMID: 33113929; PMCID: PMC7690692.


Harvard Health, Should I be eating more fiber? https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/should-i-be-eating-more-fiber-2019022115927

Dana Withrow, Samuel J. Bowers, Christopher M. Depner, Antonio González, Amy C. Reynolds, Kenneth P. Wright, Sleep and circadian disruption and the gut microbiome-possible links to dysregulated metabolism, Current Opinion in Endocrine and Metabolic Research, Volume 17, 2021 Pages 26-37, ISSN 2451-9650,

Qin HY, Cheng CW, Tang XD, Bian ZX. Impact of psychological stress on irritable bowel syndrome. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Oct 21;20(39):14126-31. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i39.14126. PMID: 25339801; PMCID: PMC4202343.

Clauss M, Gérard P, Mosca A, Leclerc M. Interplay Between Exercise and Gut Microbiome in the Context of Human Health and Performance. Front Nutr. 2021 Jun 10;8:637010. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.637010. PMID: 34179053; PMCID: PMC8222532.

Prescription Meds & Nutrient Depletion: Warning Signs, Risks, and Natural Solutions

Prescription medications provide relief for various conditions and illnesses. For some people, they’re an important part of maintaining health and vitality. However, many come with the unwanted side effect of depleting your body of key nutrients.

Our bodies require sufficient vitamins and minerals to function properly– these micronutrients support healthy cell growth, immunity, and metabolism. In theory, we should get all the nutrients from the food that we eat. However, most North Americans don’t eat a balanced diet and despite advances in agricultural technology designed to enhance desirable traits such as size, growth rate and pest resistance, the nutritional quality of our food is diminishing. The unfortunate news is that certain prescription medications can exacerbate this nutrient deficiency even further.

Over time, nutrient deficiencies can cause unwanted symptoms, such as fatigue, brain fog and poor sleep. You may even develop another underlying condition caused by nutrient deficiency, resulting in more doctor’s visits than you’d probably like!

Thankfully, there are practical steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of nutrient depletion. 

How Does Nutrient Depletion Happen?

Some medications simply suppress your appetite, such as adderall or vyvanse. Antidepressants, on the other hand, can make you crave more “junk” foods that contain scarce nutrients. Others impact the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract, or accelerate their metabolism.

Medications can also increase urination and therefore flush nutrients from your body at a faster rate than normal. 

Watch Out For These Symptoms Of Nutrient Deficiencies

Potential symptoms of nutrient deficiencies include, but are not limited to:

●       Fatigue

●       Weakness

●       Poor sleep

●       Changes in appetite

●       Dry brittle hair and nails

●       Dandruff and hair loss

●       Pale skin, dry eyes and dark eye circles

●       Poor digestion - diarrhea, constipation, bloating

●       Tingling or numbness

●       Irritability/moodiness/brain fog

Many of these symptoms can be associated with other conditions, or can be dismissed as fatigue from our busy lifestyles. But if you notice any of the above symptoms, it may be time to review the medications you’re taking with a healthcare practitioner.  

So, Which Drugs Deplete Nutrients?

More than 66% of US adults take at least one prescription medication, and this number is increasing.  

Here are some commonly prescribed medications that often lead to nutrient depletion:

  • Antacids. Often prescribed for gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, antacids can be temporarily helpful for reducing uncomfortable heartburn by reducing stomach acid production. However, stomach acids also play a large role in your body’s absorption of nutrients. Research shows that long-term use of antacids deplete key vitamins like B12 and magnesium.

  • Antibiotics. These tend to disrupt the gut flora, killing off “good” bacterias that are needed to absorb nutrients in food. It is common to see low levels of B vitamins, potassium, and biotin as a result of disruptions to the gut flora.

  • Antidepressants. Prescribed to help with mood disorders, these medications can also cause changes to your appetite and food cravings. In turn, this will impact the quality of nutrients your body is getting. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have also been associated with folic acid depletion.

  • Blood Pressure Medications. Prescriptions that lower blood pressure can also lower nutrients. For instance, beta blockers can disrupt the biological pathway of coenzyme Q10, which is essential for cellular processes. Diuretics are also commonly associated with deficiencies, as they increase urination, flushing out potassium, zinc, and magnesium at a higher rate than normal.

  • Biguanides. These are used to improve glucose tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes. They also tend to reduce the absorption of vitamin B12.

  • Cholesterol lowering drugs. Often categorized as statins, these medications work by inhibiting an enzyme involved in the liver’s cholesterol production process. This enzyme is also crucial in the production of Coenzyme Q10, so deficiency is often an issue.

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy. Certain hormonal prescriptions, especially those containing estrogen, have been found to deplete folic acid, magnesium, and B vitamins.

How To Prevent Nutrient Depletion From Prescription Medication

Now that we’ve covered some of the popular prescriptions associated with nutrient depletion, we can move on to prevention.

While in many cases these medications can be crucial, you also shouldn’t have to sacrifice your overall health to manage a condition.

1 - Eat a whole foods diet.

Ensuring that you are getting enough nutrients through your food is key in avoiding nutrient depletion. Many nutrient deficiencies that people experience when they start a new prescription occur because they already had deficits in their diet. Make sure to eat:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Antioxidant rich berries, vitamin and mineral rich leafy greens, and nutrient dense complex carbs like sweet potatoes are all incredibly nutritious and very versatile. 

  • Quality meat and eggs. Aim for organic and pasture-raised, as these will have the most abundant nutrients.

  • Healthy fats. Think olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, and fatty fish. These will keep you full longer and help curb junk food cravings.

2 - Address gut health.

Proper nutrient absorption begins with the gut. It is not just how you eat that is important, but how well your body can digest and eliminate that food. You may not feel the benefits of your balanced diet if your gut health is lacking. We recommend:

  • Working with a practitioner to get to the root of any gut related problems like poor digestion or absorption.

  • Eating probiotic rich foods, such as yogurt or kefir, especially if you are taking pain medications, antibiotics, or oral contraceptives. This will help replenish the “good” bacteria that gets killed from these medications.

3 - Supplementation.

Supplementation can be a great way to replenish nutrients lost as a result of medication, though it is important to work with a practitioner to determine the proper dosage for your needs.

Addressing The Root Cause

While prescription drug use has become incredibly common in North America, it is important to be aware of the side effects that come with so many of them. And it’s important to note that prescription medication does not always have to be the answer, in fact it’s often more of a band aid solution to manage a symptom rather than a plan for long term health. Working with me can help determine if the prescription you are taking could be making other symptoms worse. As a naturopathic doctor, I strive to find the root cause of my patients’ imbalances to get them back to their best state of health in the most natural way.

Your body needs crucial nutrients to function at its best; they are vital for energy, cognition, bone health, and more. Failing to replenish the nutrients lost as a result of medication may lead to further health complications down the road. Eating a balanced diet, focusing on gut health, and supplementing where needed will help ensure your health does not suffer as a result of your medications.

There is no reason to settle for suboptimal health! If you suspect your health is being impacted by medications, come in to review your medications and formulate a plan to get your health back!



Drake, V (2020), Ph.D.Linus Pauling Institute Oregon State University Retreived from https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/drug-nutrient-interactions

Cass, H. (2019, May 22). A practical guide to avoiding drug-induced nutrient depletion. Nutrition Review. Retrieved from https://nutritionreview.org/2016/12/practical-guide-avoiding-drug-induced-nutrient-depletion/

Mathieu, L. (2018, January 22). Drug-induced nutrient depletion: The warnings not listed on your RX label. Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness - Compounding Pharmacy and Vitamins and Supplements Store in Portland, Maine. Retrieved from https://www.coastalpharmacyandwellness.com/drug-induced-nutrient-depletions-not-listed-on-rx/

Mohn, E. S., Kern, H. J., Saltzman, E., Mitmesser, S. H., & McKay, D. L. (2018, March 20). Evidence of drug-nutrient interactions with chronic use of commonly prescribed medications: An update. Pharmaceutics. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5874849/

Morea, J. (2017, February 10). 6 ways to boost your nutrient absorption by improving your gut health. Medium. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@moreajamie/6-ways-to-boost-your-nutrient-absorption-by-improving-your-gut-health-2d2321189587


Testosterone: Important For Both Men and Women

Testosterone plays a number of important roles in our health that may surprise you. 

For instance, did you know that women produce testosterone, too? It is not just a male sex hormone, although women require only one tenth the amount of testosterone that men do. 

We experience a spike in testosterone production during puberty, and beginning around age 30, it begins to decline. However, this process can be accelerated due to lifestyle factors, such as chronic stress or poor nutrition. 

It is important to maintain balanced testosterone levels throughout the lifespan. In sufficient amounts, testosterone promotes healthy libido and energy levels. It also plays a role in: 

  • Bone density and health 

  • Energy levels 

  • Muscle mass 

  • Regular sleep patterns 

  • Production of red blood cells 

According to a recent study from the American Urology Association, testosterone levels have been steadily decreasing in men since 1991. The reasons for this decline in testosterone are multifaceted, but given the endocrine-disrupting chemicals present in everyday products, and the nutritional deficiencies in modern diets, it is no surprise that our hormonal health is suboptimal. 

If you feel this may be the case for you, keep reading. We will look at the common signs and symptoms of low testosterone, as well as natural treatment options. 

Testosterone In Men

Before we talk about the issues that can arise from low testosterone levels, it is important to understand its role in the male body. 

Men produce most of their testosterone in the testicles. The endocrine system in the brain is responsible for signaling to the body when it needs to produce testosterone. 

During puberty, this leads to muscle development and hair growth on the face and body. 

Testosterone is vital to male fertility and the production of healthy sperm. Along with this important function, healthy testosterone levels also promote bone health, metabolism, and cognitive functioning. 
Low testosterone can occur for a number of reasons. One of them is simply getting older– testosterone levels tend to drop about 1% after age 30. Imbalances that are not related to the natural aging process tend to be caused by: 

  • Conditions such as diabetes or obesity

  • Damage or injury to the testicles 

  • Use of certain medications, such as antidepressants or narcotic painkillers 

  • Excessive alcohol consumption 

Some of the telltale signs of low testosterone in males include:

  • Decreased libido. Testosterone plays a large role in the male sex drive. Changes in libido are normal as we age, but a noticeable lack of interest may be due to hormonal imbalance. 

  • General fatigue. Energy is linked to healthy testosterone levels. If you’ve been sleeping 8-9 hours a night and still feel fatigued, it might be worth getting your testosterone levels tested. 

  • Difficulty getting or maintaining erection. Testosterone stimulates the brain to produce nitric oxide – a chemical that is needed to sustain an erection. Low testosterone interferes with this process and can add difficulty to your sex life. 

  • Loss of muscle mass. Testosterone is one of the major factors in building and sustaining muscle mass.Low testosterone over time will have an impact on your muscles, even if you hit the gym everyday. 

  • Mood swings & memory issues: Have you noticed an increase in moodiness, irritability, or even depression? It could be due to hormonal imbalance– testosterone plays a crucial role in regulating men’s mood and sleep cycles. 

Testosterone In Women 
While we tend to associate testosterone with men, in smaller amounts it is also an important component of women’s health. 

Women produce testosterone mainly in their ovaries, but the adrenal glands, fat cells, and skin cells produce it as well. Most of this testosterone gets converted into female sex hormones, though some is needed to maintain healthy energy levels and bodily functions. 

As well, testosterone is important for women in: 

  • Promoting breast & bone health 

  • Maintaining regular menstrual cycles 

  • Cognitive health 

Like men, women experience lower testosterone levels as they age naturally. However, the most dramatic drop occurs during menopause. 

The normal range of testosterone levels for women are between 15 to 70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of blood. If levels are lower than this, women may experience: 

  • Low sex drive 

  • Irregular menstrual cycles 

  • Osteoporosis 

And while having too much testosterone tends not to be a problem for men, in women numerous health issues can arise from an excess of this hormone. The most common is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), affecting approximately 5 million women in the US. This condition can lead to reduced fertility, irregular periods, and skin problems like acne and abnormal hair growth. 

Supporting Healthy Hormone Levels

If you begin to notice any of these signs of low testosterone, be sure to talk with your health practitioner. They can test for hormone levels by performing a blood test, and then work with you to restore any imbalance. 

In addition, there are several natural ways you can support healthy hormone levels in your daily life. These include: 

  • Regular physical activity. Research has found a strong association between exercise and testosterone production. Weight training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) are the most effective at boosting T, but any way you can get your body moving on a regular basis is key for overall health and hormones. 

  • Reduce stress.  When we are chronically stressed, our bodies produce cortisol, the stress hormone, at the expense of other key hormones like testosterone. Finding techniques that work to reduce stress is a must for feeling your best and boosting testosterone levels. 

  • Get enough sleep. Studies have found that when we lack sleep, our body cannot produce the necessary hormones and chemicals that keep it working optimally. This includes testosterone. Aiming for at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night will help maintain healthy testosterone levels.

  • Testosterone replacement. Testosterone replacement therapy can be administered in several different ways - most commonly through injections, transdermal gels and creams. While gels and creams are an easy and convenient option, there are certain drawbacks to their efficacy and absorption due to sweating and friction. Injectables are the most reliable form of TRT and should be performed under the supervision of a knowledgeable practitioner.

Healthy Hormone Diet

Another major way you can boost testosterone levels in your daily life is through diet. 

Certain herbs and food groups can actually help your body produce testosterone naturally– no hormonal injections or implants needed. 

  • Ashwagandha has been used in traditional Indian medicine for years to treat sexual dysfunction and infertility. Studies have associated the herb with increased testosterone.

  • Zinc is needed for your body to make testosterone and in healthy sperm production. If you are deficient, supplementing zinc may be worthwhile. Otherwise, you can add zinc into your diet by eating quality red meat, eggs, chickpeas, and yogurt.  

  • Healthy fats & protein. Research shows that men who eat low fat, low protein diets also have lowered testosterone levels. Instead of simple carbs and empty calories, prioritize avocados, nuts, dairy products, and meats into your diet. 

  • Magnesium can enhance your quality of sleep, which is vital to testosterone production. Supplementation can be useful, along with eating magnesium-rich foods like dark chocolate, sunflower seeds, and bananas. 

As always, talk with your practitioner before introducing new herbs or supplements to your diet. 

Testosterone plays a role in a number of the body’s important functions. Balanced levels of this hormone are crucial for optimal health in both men & women. If you feel you have symptoms of low/high testosterone, it is worth considering hormone testing. From there, we can work on restoring your body’s natural balance of testosterone through the natural methods we discussed - give me a call to get started!


Barhum, L. (2018, July). 8 science-backed ways to boost testosterone naturally. Medical News Today. Retrieved from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322508#natural-ways-to-maintain-testosterone

Medical News Today, Typical testosterone levels in males and females Retrieved from: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323085

Garrard, C., Rapaport, L., Waldbieser, J., Upham, B., Cassata, C., Robertson, R., & Kraft, A. (n.d.). Testosterone and women's health. EverydayHealth.com. Retrieved from https://www.everydayhealth.com/testosterone/womens-health/

Gharahdaghi, N., Phillips, B. E., Szewczyk, N. J., Smith, K., Wilkinson, D. J., & Atherton, P. J. (2020, December 18). Links between testosterone, oestrogen, and the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis and resistance exercise muscle adaptations. Frontiers. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.621226/full

Kahl, K. L. (2022, January 27). Testosterone levels show steady decrease among young US men. Urology Times. Retrieved from https://www.urologytimes.com/view/testosterone-levels-show-steady-decrease-among-young-us-men

Lawrence , E. (2023, January 25). How to increase testosterone. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/health/family/how-to-increase-testosterone/

Van Heertum, K., & Rossi, B. (2017, July 10). Alcohol and fertility: How much is too much? Fertility research and practice. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504800/#CR48

Leproult R, Van Cauter E. Effect of 1 week of sleep restriction on testosterone levels in young healthy men. JAMA. 2011 Jun 1;305(21):2173-4. doi: 10.1001/jama.2011.710. PMID: 21632481; PMCID: PMC4445839.

Could It Be a Hormone Imbalance? Testing Can Help Find The Answer

If you are noticing sudden changes in your weight, energy levels, skin, mood, or irregular menstrual cycles, your body is signalling to you that there is an imbalance. Your body communicates internally through the use of hormones which are chemical messengers that impact how our cells and organs function. They control a number of bodily functions, including our appetite, sleep, libido, and stress response.

Imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream - essentially cutting communication with the organs they deliver messages to, or sending far too many messages and mixing up signals. In some cases, even slight imbalances can cause significant changes in the body. So if you feel something is “off” with your health, know that this is not just a normal symptom you need to live with - it may be a hormone imbalance!

The good news is, we have come a long way in integrative healthcare, and pinpointed hormone imbalances can be brought back to normal, healthy levels so that you can get back to living your healthiest and best life.

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances

It can be difficult to tell whether symptoms are caused by hormonal imbalance, or another underlying issue. For instance, fatigue could be caused by lifestyle factors, or it could be due to an excess of the hormone progesterone. That's why hormone testing is crucial when determining the root cause of your symptoms.

Here are some symptoms of hormonal imbalance to watch out for:

  • Changes in appetite

  • Weight gain despite exercise and healthy diet

  • Sudden weight loss despite eating the same diet and maintaining the same level of exercise

  • Sleep problems such as trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

  • Chronic acne, dry and brittle hair and other skin conditions

  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating

  • Digestive issues

  • Persistent fatigue, headaches and migraines

  • In women, irregular menstrual cycles and PMS

  • In men, erectile dysfunction

It’s important to discuss your symptoms in depth with a practitioner - I can help! They may recommend hormone testing to discern whether or not you have an imbalance.

Common Hormone Tests 

A variety of methods can be used to test hormone levels to get to the root cause of your symptoms. The test you receive will be based on your diagnostic needs.

Common hormone tests integrative practitioners perform include:

Saliva test

This simple test shows which hormones are freely available to the body, rather than the total amount of hormones in the bloodstream. It is particularly useful in detecting the hormone cortisol, which is linked to stress. This is because just thinking about blood tests and needles can raise people’s cortisol levels, providing an inaccurate picture of the hormones’ typical role in the body.

Blood serum test

This test allows your practitioner to look at the concentration of hormones in the bloodstream. Blood serum tests can measure important hormones such as insulin, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and hormones connected to the thyroid.

Hair sample

Strands of hair can be used to measure the presence of the hormone cortisol. The first 1 cm of hair closest to the scalp indicates around one month of cortisol production. If you feel chronically stressed, your practitioner may suggest this test.

Hormone testing may be worth looking into if you feel concerned about imbalances.

Some hormonal imbalances can be temporary while others are chronic (long-term).

They may require treatment so that you can maintain good health and feel your best.

Conditions Can Be Diagnosed by Hormone Testing

Hormone testing can address dozens of conditions caused by hormonal imbalance.

Some of the most common include:


Hormonal imbalance is the number one reason women have difficulty conceiving. The most common hormonal disorder in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which can lead to infertility, irregular periods, ovarian cysts, and weight gain.

Thyroid Disease

There are two types of thyroid disease: hypothyroidism (low thyroid levels) and hyperthyroidism (high thyroid levels). Hypothyroidism (or under active thyroid) occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't make enough thyroid hormone. Over time, hypothyroidism that isn't treated can lead to other health problems, such as high cholesterol and heart problems. Hyperthyroidism causes excess levels of thyroid hormones that can then speed up the body's metabolism, trigger anxiety and unexplained or unplanned weight loss.

Irregular menstrual cycles

Many hormones play a role in the menstrual cycle, so an imbalance in any can lead to problematic periods. Most women's periods arrive every 21-35 days. But if your periods are arriving late or not at all some months, it may be a sign of an imbalance of the hormones estrogen or progesterone. Painful and heavy periods can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance.


Hormones are involved in the amount of oil that your skin produces. Androgens or “male” hormones are responsible for this, and in excess they can cause your glands to produce too much oil, thus clogging the pores.

Should You Get Your Hormones Tested?

Since your hormones control so much, including sleep, hunger, and reproduction, it’s crucial to your health to keep them balanced. Your hormone production will naturally decrease as you age, however, an imbalance in hormones can amplify symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, and joint pain. Taking the initiative to get hormone testing, you can ensure your control centre is in balance!

If you feel you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, dealing with a condition

such as PCOS, or are approaching the age of menopause, getting your hormone levels

assessed can be an important first step in developing a holistic treatment plan.

From there, you can work with your practitioner to create a treatment plan to restore

your body’s balance and get your health back on track. Call me to learn more!


Thomson S, Koren G, Fraser LA, Rieder M, Friedman TC, Van Uum SH. Hair analysis provides a historical record of cortisol levels in Cushing's syndrome. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2010 Feb;118(2):133-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1220771. Epub 2009 Jul 16. PMID: 19609841; PMCID: PMC2945912.

Dennett CC, Simon J. The role of polycystic ovary syndrome in reproductive and metabolic health: overview and approaches for treatment. Diabetes Spectr. 2015 May;28(2):116-20. doi: 10.2337/diaspect.28.2.116. PMID: 25987810; PMCID: PMC4433074.

Bae J, Park S, Kwon JW. Factors associated with menstrual cycle irregularity and menopause. BMC Womens Health. 2018 Feb 6;18(1):36. doi: 10.1186/s12905-018-0528-x. PMID: 29409520; PMCID: PMC5801702.

Top Tips For Getting The Quality Sleep You Need

Despite the many scientific advances in the field of medicine over the last few decades, many of us neglect one of the most important contributors to our wellbeing: sleep. It’s a bit ironic. We now know more than ever before about the effect of lifestyle on health, but, on average, we’re sleeping less. 

The results of missing out on a good night’s sleep can undermine your efforts with nutrition and fitness. Your body needs sleep to regenerate and experience the benefits of your work towards better health. But many people experiencing sleep problems, or looking to improve health and energy levels, struggle to improve their quality of sleep. This often leads them to pharmaceutical solutions that can create more problems than they solve. A more natural approach improves the quality of your sleep without the potential for dangerous side effects. 

Why We Need Sleep

It may seem simple on the surface, but sleeping is a complex process necessary for many functions, including.

  • Energy conservation so you can tackle whatever the next day holds

  • Hormone release and regulation

  • Muscle repair

  • Processing and organizing memories and information accumulated during waking hours

  • Strengthening of your immune system 

Because so much happens while we sleep, the results of not getting enough can be far-reaching. We don’t just feel tired, we are also at a higher risk of:

  • Mental health problems. Almost every mental health condition can be impacted by not getting enough sleep. The frustrating element is that many mental health conditions make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Weight gain and other metabolic concerns. Sleep regulates the hormones that control appetite, including leptin and ghrelin. Studies show that missing even one good night’s sleep can lead to poorer food choices. Missing out on sleep can lead to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes. 

  • Weakened immunity.  You’ve probably noticed you’re more likely to get sick when you’re tired. That’s because you produce infection-fighting cytokines and other antibodies while you sleep.

  • Heart problems. Several factors influencing heart health, including cortisol levels and blood pressure, are impacted by sleep.

  • Accidents. You’re less focused when you are tired, and that impacts your risk of a car accident in a way similar to drinking alcohol. You’re three times more likely to get in an accident when you’re tired!

Five Ways To Improve Your Sleep - And Your Wellbeing 

1 - Improve your sleep hygiene.

Regular and predictable are the keys to a good sleep routine. It might take some experimenting to find what works for you, but many people find reading, taking a warm bath, doing some restorative yoga or meditation relaxes them. 

Try to build in a routine to separate your sleep time from the stress and activity of your day. Some people find it helps to limit their bedroom to only for sleeping. 

2 - Eat for sleep

Your diet can impact your sleep in several ways. For optimum sleep, eliminate the things that inhibit a good night’s sleep and focus on those that relax and balance your body and mind.


  • Stimulants like caffeine, especially after noon as it takes upwards of 4 hours to clear your system.

  • Alcohol before bedtime. Although alcohol is a depressant and can make you feel sleepy, it often disrupts your natural sleep cycles and you may find yourself waking up frequently. 

  • Spicy and overly heavy foods, which can make you too uncomfortable to sleep and cause indigestion.

Choose instead:

  • Chamomile tea, which has proven sleep-enhancing effects. 

  • Foods high in tryptophan, which can relax you and encourage higher serotonin levels. In addition to turkey’s infamous tryptophan content, foods that contain tryptophan include salmon, pineapple, tofu, many nuts and seeds, and eggs.

  • Some research suggests that consuming foods high in carbohydrates, like potatoes or rice, with foods containing tryptophan has a positive influence on sleep. 

  • Certain supplements can be beneficial for improving sleep, but be sure to work with a healthcare practitioner to determine what’s right for you. Some supplements used to help sleep include magnesium, which helps regulate the neurotransmitters linked to sleep, and melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Herbal supplements include valerian and passion flower, which both have sedative effects.

3 - Avoid blue light before bedtime.

The blue light emitted from electronic devices can trick your body into thinking it’s day time. As a result, it slows melatonin production, the hormone that regulates your sleep cycle. Try to avoid computer and device screens in the three hours before bedtime. If you must be in front of a screen, look into blue-light blocking glasses. Many people keep their phone beside their bed, but try to put yours in another room at night. (If you use it as an alarm clock, buy a digital or standard alarm clock. You’ll be surprised at the difference this makes!)

4 - Create a sleep-friendly environment.

It’s important to work with your body’s natural rhythms. A cool, dark environment signals that it’s night time, and therefore your body will release more melatonin. In fact, one study found that room temperature is one of the most important factors in the quality of sleep. 

5 - Exercise wisely.

A regular exercise routine can help you fall asleep, but avoid intense activities at least two hours before bed. Researchers have seen positive effects on sleep from regular exercise such as yoga, strength training, and steady state cardio. 

Don’t let poor sleep undermine your quest for a healthy lifestyle. Take the first step today towards better rest, more energy and a greater sense of wellbeing. Call for an appointment with me to talk about better sleep strategies!


Scott AJ, Webb TL, Rowse GDoes improving sleep lead to better mental health? A protocol for a meta-analytic review of randomised controlled trialsBMJ Open 2017;7:e016873. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016873

Cedernaes J, Schönke M, Westholm JO, Mi J, Chibalin A, Voisin S, Osler M, Vogel H, Hörnaeus K, Dickson SL, Lind SB, Bergquist J, Schiöth HB, Zierath JR, Benedict C. Acute sleep loss results in tissue-specific alterations in genome-wide DNA methylation state and metabolic fuel utilization in humans. Sci Adv. 2018 Aug 22;4(8):eaar8590. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aar8590. PMID: 30140739; PMCID: PMC6105229.

Asif N, Iqbal R, Nazir CF. Human immune system during sleep. Am J Clin Exp Immunol. 2017 Dec 20;6(6):92-96. PMID: 29348984; PMCID: PMC5768894.

National Safety Council, “Drivers are falling asleep behind the wheel”

Sundelin T, Lekander M, Sorjonen K, Axelsson J. Negative effects of restricted sleep on facial appearance and social appeal. R Soc Open Sci. 2017 May 17;4(5):160918. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160918. PMID: 28572989; PMCID: PMC5451790.

Pleunie S. Hogenkamp, Emil Nilsson, Victor C. Nilsson, Colin D. Chapman, Heike Vogel, Lina S. Lundberg, Sanaz Zarei, Jonathan Cedernaes, Frida H. Rångtell, Jan-Erik Broman, Suzanne L. Dickson, Jeffrey M. Brunstrom, Christian Benedict, Helgi B. Schiöth, Acute sleep deprivation increases portion size and affects food choice in young men,vPsychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 38, Issue 9, 2013, Pages 1668-1674, ISSN 0306-4530,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2013.01.012.

Miraj S, Alesaeidi S. A systematic review study of therapeutic effects of Matricaria recuitta chamomile (chamomile). Electron Physician. 2016 Sep 20;8(9):3024-3031. doi: 10.19082/3024. PMID: 27790360; PMCID: PMC5074766.

Jenkins TA, Nguyen JC, Polglaze KE, Bertrand PP. Influence of Tryptophan and Serotonin on Mood and Cognition with a Possible Role of the Gut-Brain Axis. Nutrients. 2016 Jan 20;8(1):56. doi: 10.3390/nu8010056. PMID: 26805875; PMCID: PMC4728667.

Nédélec M, Halson S, Delecroix B, Abaidia AE, Ahmaidi S, Dupont G. Sleep Hygiene and Recovery Strategies in Elite Soccer Players. Sports Med. 2015 Nov;45(11):1547-59. doi: 10.1007/s40279-015-0377-9. PMID: 26275673.

Abbasi B, Kimiagar M, Sadeghniiat K, Shirazi MM, Hedayati M, Rashidkhani B. The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. J Res Med Sci. 2012 Dec;17(12):1161-9. PMID: 23853635; PMCID: PMC3703169.

Ngan A, Conduit R. A double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation of the effects of Passiflora incarnata (passionflower) herbal tea on subjective sleep quality. Phytother Res. 2011 Aug;25(8):1153-9. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3400. Epub 2011 Feb 3. PMID: 21294203.

Gooley JJ, Chamberlain K, Smith KA, Khalsa SB, Rajaratnam SM, Van Reen E, Zeitzer JM, Czeisler CA, Lockley SW. Exposure to room light before bedtime suppresses melatonin onset and shortens melatonin duration in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Mar;96(3):E463-72. doi: 10.1210/jc.2010-2098. Epub 2010 Dec 30. PMID: 21193540; PMCID: PMC3047226.

Okamoto-Mizuno K, Mizuno K. Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm. J Physiol Anthropol. 2012 May 31;31(1):14. doi: 10.1186/1880-6805-31-14. PMID: 22738673; PMCID: PMC3427038.

Kovacevic A, Mavros Y, Heisz JJ, Fiatarone Singh MA. The effect of resistance exercise on sleep: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Sleep Med Rev. 2018 Jun;39:52-68. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2017.07.002. Epub 2017 Jul 19. PMID: 28919335.

Top Nutrients for Healthy, Vibrant Skin

Dreaming of hydrated glowing skin but just can’t seem to get there? Before shelling out on a new, expensive skincare routine, you may want to reconsider your diet.  

Our overall health and the quality of food that we eat is often reflected on the outside. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it requires proper nutrition to look and function its best. Taking care of yourself on the inside is crucial if you want to look your best on the outside. Keep reading to learn about key nutrients that will help unlock your skin’s radiance.

What Causes Poor Skin?  

There are a number of reasons your skin may not be looking its best. Some of these are:  

  • Nutrient Deficiencies:  A pale or sallow complexion may indicate an iron, zinc, vitamin B12, or vitamin B6 deficiency. I recommend testing for these deficiencies and working with a practitioner to resolve nutritional shortcomings. Additionally, antioxidants such as zinc, selenium, and vitamins A, C, and E, are essential in your diet for fighting off free radicals, which age your skin. If your skin is dry, it may be a sign that you lack protein, which forms the building blocks of our skin and bodies. Fatty acids are also crucial for supporting moisture and skin health.

  • Poor Diet: Eating too many processed foods or drinking alcohol in excess will affect the texture and appearance of your skin.  

  • Weather: It is common to experience dryness as the weather cools down.  

  • Hormonal Changes. Hormones are often to blame for many skin issues. If you are struggling with oily or acne prone skin, this may be due to an excess of androgen hormones, such as testosterone. This may cause your skin to overproduce oil, creating an environment for bacteria and acne to grow. People who menstruate may also feel skin becomes more sensitive and reactive around the time they get their period. This is due to fluctuations of the hormone estrogen throughout your body. Tracking your cycle can help you prepare for these changes. Stress hormones, like cortisol can cause flare ups in your skin as well. Existing skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis tend to worsen when stress is high.

Top Foods for Healthy Skin

What you eat has a significant impact on the appearance of your skin. Getting the right nutrients is crucial to keeping it strong and youthful.

Foods with high-quality protein, healthy fat, and antioxidants will feed your skin well. Avoiding foods that are highly processed, high in sugar, and limiting alcohol is also key, as these have been associated with increased effects of aging. 

Here are some foods you could add to your next grocery list for glowing skin:  

  • Salmon contains antioxidants, fatty acids, and high-quality protein — a winning combination for skin health. Since our bodies don't produce fatty acids naturally, eating them helps to reinforce your skin's barrier and keep it moisturized. You can also find these fatty acids in fish like mackerel and herring. 

  • Avocados are full of healthy fats that will help you glow on the inside and outside. Studies with over 700 women have found that high consumption of healthy fats, like those found in avocados, is associated with plumper, more youthful skin. Also, avocados contain powerful antioxidants like vitamin C & E, which help your skin build collagen and protect it from oxidative damage.  

  • Sweet Potatoes are an excellent source of beta carotene, which helps protect your skin from sun exposure and prevents dry, wrinkled skin. This nutrient can also be found in spinach and carrots. 

  • Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, & Broccoli are all excellent sources of vitamin C, which is essential for your skin’s production of collagen—a protein that helps keep the skin firm and strong. 

  • Nuts & Seeds are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Think walnuts & sunflower seeds, which contain vitamins and omega-3s that can help reduce inflammation in your body, leading to a more even skin tone.

  Supplements for Healthy Skin 

Ideally, you want to get most of your skin-healthy nutrients through your diet. However, this may not be realistic for everybody at all times.

These supplements can be a helpful addition to support your skin (always work with a qualified health practitioner before starting any supplement protocol):   

  • Vitamin E: This antioxidant helps stop the production of free radicals, which age the skin. Supplementing vitamin E daily is recommended, as it can be difficult to find in foods.  

  • Vitamin C: As we know, this vital antioxidant helps our skin with collagen production. It also plays a role in cells that control skin pigmentation (melanocytes),  making it a helpful ingredient to address skin discolouration. 

  • Vitamin D: Studies have found that vitamin D is protective against the skin-damaging effects of free radicals, and it also reduces inflammation. 

  • Collagen: As the body’s most abundant protein, supplementing collagen can help the skin’s regeneration process. Collagen supplements come in many forms: powder, liquids, and capsules, and in bone broth.   

  • Probiotics: Also found in fermented foods, probiotics are essential for maintaining immune and gut health. They play a role in mitigating numerous inflammatory conditions, such as acne, rosacea, eczema, and premature aging from UV damage:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are found in fish oil, supplements which have been found to help against inflammatory and autoimmune conditions affecting your skin, such as psoriasis. 

Products & Lifestyle for Healthy Skin

It is also important to make conscious choices about what our skin comes in contact with. Many cosmetics and lotions contain skin irritants that can cause issues like acne and dryness.

This database will help you find products with clean ingredients that suit your skin. 

If you are suffering with dry, dull, acne prone skin or more, working with a health practitioner who knows your health history can help get to the root cause. Together, we can review your specific lifestyle habits and get proper hormone testing to rule out any imbalances that may be affecting your skin’s health.

Reach out to me today and let’s get you back on the path to healthy and vibrant skin!


Cao C, Xiao Z, Wu Y, Ge C. Diet and Skin Aging-From the Perspective of Food Nutrition. Nutrients. 2020 Mar 24;12(3):870. doi: 10.3390/nu12030870. PMID: 32213934; PMCID: PMC7146365

Enrico Carmina, Brigitte Dreno, W Anne Lucky, W George Agak, Anuja Dokras, Jin Ju Kim, Rogerio A Lobo, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Daniel Dumesic, Female Adult Acne and Androgen Excess: A Report From the Multidisciplinary Androgen Excess and PCOS Committee, Journal of the Endocrine Society, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2022, bvac003, https://doi.org/10.1210/jendso/bvac003

Hamilton , V. J. (2020, March). Are skin issues a sign of underlying nutrient deficiencies? Nutritionist Resource. Retrieved from https://www.nutritionist-resource.org.uk/memberarticles/skin-issues-as-a-sign-of-underlying-nutrient-deficiencies

Thomsen BJ, Chow EY, Sapijaszko MJ. The Potential Uses of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Dermatology: A Review. J Cutan Med Surg. 2020 Sep/Oct;24(5):481-494. doi: 10.1177/1203475420929925. Epub 2020 May 28. PMID: 32463305.

Köpcke W, Krutmann J. Protection from sunburn with beta-Carotene--a meta-analysis. Photochem Photobiol. 2008 Mar-Apr;84(2):284-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-1097.2007.00253.x. Epub 2007 Dec 15. PMID: 18086246.

Nagata, C., Nakamura , K., Wada, K., Oba, S., Hayashi, M., Yasuda, K., & Takeda , N. (2010, May). Association of dietary fat, vegetables and antioxidant micronutrients with skin aging in Japanese women. The British journal of nutrition. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20085665/

Evans JA, Johnson EJ. The role of phytonutrients in skin health. Nutrients. 2010 Aug;2(8):903-28. doi: 10.3390/nu2080903. Epub 2010 Aug 24. PMID: 22254062; PMCID: PMC3257702.

Umar M, Sastry KS, Al Ali F, Al-Khulaifi M, Wang E, Chouchane AI. Vitamin D and the Pathophysiology of Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2018;31(2):74-86. doi: 10.1159/000485132. Epub 2018 Jan 6. PMID: 29306952.

Mary-Margaret Kober, Whitney P. Bowe, The effect of probiotics on immune regulation, acne, and photoaging, International Journal of Women's Dermatology, Volume 1, Issue 2,2015, Pages 85-89, ISSN 2352-6475, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijwd.2015.02.001.

Weight Loss: Why Eating Less and Exercising More Is Often Not The Answer

Happy new year! If you’re excited to get 2023 off to a good start by getting into better physical shape, you may not be alone. One study found that 48% of people who make new year’s resolutions named “weight loss” as a goal. However, the unfortunate truth is that many of them won’t succeed. Researchers have found that at least 80% of dieters regain those lost pounds within 12 months, or give up on healthy lifestyle habits soon after the new year.

But, I am here to remind you that sustainable, healthy weight loss is possible - you’ve got this!

The key is to take a step back and create a plan that works with your body. You want a weigh-loss plan that you can sustain over the long run without creating the hormonal imbalances and stress that ultimately work against you. Here are some realistic, healthy strategies to consider as you strive to reach your goals for the new year.

Why Exercising More Is Not Always The Answer

Exercise has many health benefits, and it’s the best step you can take to improve your overall health - but exercise alone won’t lead to weight loss for most people. The old phrase “you can’t outrun a bad diet” is certainly supported by math: Consider the calories burned in a half-hour walk (about 150 for a 150-pound woman at an average pace) and how easy it is to consume 150 calories!

Even exercising for hours isn’t a licence to eat whatever you want, unfortunately. In fact, over-exercising can harm your weight loss efforts by increasing your levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol tries to help your body deal with a potential threat by raising blood sugar levels and stimulating your carbohydrate metabolism. Some people experience this spike in cortisol with high-intensity interval training (HIIT), even though the duration of exercise is short due to the high intensity.  

Overexercising also raises the risk of injury. You want to remain active in the long run, so it’s important to create an exercise plan that will last instead of risking sustainability in pursuit of fast results.

Why Eating Less is Not the Answer

Your body’s wish to preserve energy is also the reason extreme calorie restriction doesn’t lead to sustainable weight loss. When you drastically reduce the number of calories you consume, your body wants to preserve as much energy as possible. The result can be a decline in your basal metabolic rate. Studies have found resting metabolism can drop dramatically while dieting, and this is a big reason why it’s difficult to sustain dramatic weight loss - just think of the long-term outcomes of the Biggest Loser TV show, where the vast majority of contestants regained their lost weight.  

Another factor is that without paying attention to proper nutrition, dieting leads to muscle loss, which in turn lowers your metabolism. Extreme calorie reduction and many fad diets can also lead to nutritional deficiencies that can disrupt hormonal balance.

3 Steps for Sustainable Weight Loss.

1 - Eat a balanced, unprocessed diet.

We all see so-called magic solutions that promise big results by focusing on one food or following a highly regimented plan. Although these may be effective in the short term, you’ll have better luck with a balanced diet that ensures you’re getting all nutrients.

Focus on quality protein, healthy fats and plenty of fibre at every meal. Avoid processed foods, foods high in sugar and alcohol as much as possible to achieve your weight loss goals.

One study that sought to determine if the adage “a calorie is a calorie” was correct discovered that the quality of calories consumed does make a difference. The researchers found that foods like potato chips and processed meats were more associated with weight gain than whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. They concluded that the more natural foods had a better effect on insulin and feelings of satiety. 

Researchers have also found a mindset shift helps with weight loss more than an overly restrictive plan. Eating mindfully - paying attention to each bite, savouring the flavours, and chewing slowly - naturally leads to consuming fewer calories by eliminating bad habits like mindless snacking. Learning to better interpret your hunger and fullness signals also helps get you in tune with your body and how it is really feeling around mealtime.

2 - Create a realistic exercise plan

This will vary a lot by person, so there’s no single answer for the best fitness regime. You want something you can sustain in the long run, with a balance of strength, cardio, and flexibility, but you also want to focus on activities you enjoy.

Exercise should add joy to your life, not stress out your mind and body. Working with a healthcare professional can help you determine the best plan for you. 

In addition to creating a formal exercise plan, it’s also important to consider the role of non-exercise thermogenesis (NEAT). That’s a fancy way of summarizing the activity you get other than when you’re exercising, through things like fidgeting or walking around. NEAT is often not considered in weight loss plans, but it can burn as much as 2000 calories a day. Our modern lifestyles have reduced the amount of NEAT most people get, so look for opportunities to do things like take the stairs, walk some extra steps by parking further away, or just stand instead of sitting when you can.

3 - Be aware of sleep and stress patterns.

A growing body of research confirms that more elements contribute to weight loss than diet and exercise. The amount of sleep we get each night and how we deal with stress also affect our metabolism. 

In fact, regularly sleeping less than seven hours a night is associated with a higher risk of obesity. Several factors come into play here. When you’re not sleeping enough, your body produces more of the hunger hormone ghrelin and less of the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin. You’re also more likely to feel stressed or make poor decisions when you’re tired, and less likely to keep up with your workout routine. 

Stress is another often-overlooked influence on our weight. As we’ve seen in the results of overexercising, the stress hormone cortisol encourages your body to hang on to calories in case you need more energy to deal with a threat. Although this was beneficial centuries ago in case we had to flee from a predator, it works against us in today’s chronically stressful but sedentary environment. Weight gain from excess cortisol tends to collect around the belly, which is a bad sign for heart health. 

Mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga help cope with stress and reduce cortisol levels. They can also help your mindful eating practice by teaching you to avoid distraction and focus on the moment, and help your sleep! 

The journey to weight loss and better physical health can feel daunting, but it’s possible to do it in a way that lasts and boosts your vitality and overall well being for years to come. Call me and let’s work together on creating a plan that will help make 2023 your healthiest year yet!


Ballard, J. (2018). Exercising more and eating healthier are this year’s most popular New Year’s resolutions. YouGov. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/32PhDHo

gScientific America, Unexpected Clues Emerge as to Why Diets Fail. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/unexpected-clues-emerge-about-why-diets-fail/

Cadegiani FA, Kater CE. Novel insights of overtraining syndrome discovered from the EROS study. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2019 Jun 20;5(1):e000542. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000542. PMID: 31297238; PMCID: PMC6590962.

Rosenbaum M, Leibel RL. Adaptive thermogenesis in humans. Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Oct;34 Suppl 1(0 1):S47-55. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2010.184. PMID: 20935667; PMCID: PMC3673773.

Mozaffarian D, Hao T, Rimm EB, Willett WC, Hu FB. Changes in diet and lifestyle and long-term weight gain in women and men. N Engl J Med. 2011 Jun 23;364(25):2392-404. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1014296. PMID: 21696306; PMCID: PMC315173

Petra Hanson, Emma Shuttlewood, Louise Halder, Neha Shah, F T Lam, Vinod Menon, Thomas M Barber, Application of Mindfulness in a Tier 3 Obesity Service Improves Eating Behavior and Facilitates Successful Weight Loss, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 104, Issue 3, March 2019, Pages 793–800, https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2018-00578

Villablanca PA, Alegria JR, Mookadam F, Holmes DR Jr, Wright RS, Levine JA. Nonexercise activity thermogenesis in obesity management. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Apr;90(4):509-19. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2015.02.001. PMID: 25841254.

Bacaro V, Ballesio A, Cerolini S, Vacca M, Poggiogalle E, Donini LM, Lucidi F, Lombardo C. Sleep duration and obesity in adulthood: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Jul-Aug;14(4):301-309. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2020.03.004. Epub 2020 Jun 8. PMID: 32527625.

Steptoe A, Kunz-Ebrecht SR, Brydon L, Wardle J. Central adiposity and cortisol responses to waking in middle-aged men and women. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Sep;28(9):1168-73. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0802715. PMID: 15211363.

Brand S, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Naranjo JR, Schmidt S. Influence of mindfulness practice on cortisol and sleep in long-term and short-term meditators. Neuropsychobiology. 2012;65(3):109-18. doi: 10.1159/000330362. Epub 2012 Feb 24. PMID: 22377965.

How to Have Healthy and Stress-Free Holidays

Have you ever found yourself wishing someone “happy holidays” while you feel anything but happy inside?  If so, you’re definitely not alone. While there are certainly many reasons to be joyful at this time of year, it’s also a busy and stressful time. Plus, many of us struggle with comparisons of the perfectly festive things we’re shown in the media and our own reality. 

Add in shorter days and colder temperatures, and it becomes a challenge to stay on top of your mental and physical health. A majority of people with mental health conditions find their condition worsens over the holidays. And even for people who don’t normally experience depression, December can be marked by an increase in loneliness, anxiety, and fatigue.

This year will be different! A few lifestyle changes can help you thrive in the next few weeks as you enjoy a healthy and stress-free holiday season.

How To Keep Up With Healthy Habits Over The Holidays

Here are some tips to help you keep up with or kick start healthy habits over the busy and often stressful holiday season.

1 - Make proactive plans to lower stress. 

A study commissioned by the National Mental Health Association identified some of the top stressors of the holiday season as:

  • Lack of time: 69% of women and 63% of men

  • Lack of money: 69% of women and 55% of men

  • Gift-giving pressure: 51% of women and 42% of men

It’s important to realize that these pressures can be managed. The key is prioritization. Don’t be afraid to say no to events that won’t bring you joy. Avoid overcommitment so you can really appreciate the people and events that are most meaningful. 
Making a budget before the holiday season can help you stick to realistic spending habits. You don’t want to start the new year with the additional stress of debt. Keep in mind that studies have found that experiences are often more memorable gifts than things. Activities like offering to babysit for a stressed-out mother, going for a walk with a lonely senior, or cooking a fancy dinner at home can ultimately be more appreciated than breaking your budget.

2 - Focus on nutrient-rich meals and stay hydrated. 

Research published in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that our fears of holiday weight gain are often exaggerated - the average person gains less than a pound. So, instead of trying to limit intake, skipping meals, and stressing about treats, focus on eating and drinking for energy throughout the season. Here are some tips that may help:

  • Eating natural whole foods will protect your mental health, energy levels, and digestion. Before a party, try to eat a balanced meal, complete with complex carbs, healthy fats, and quality protein.

  • For potluck parties, offer to bring something healthy like a fruit salad, veggie tray (raw or grilled, doesn’t have to be boring!) or a nutrient packed salad.

  • Don’t be afraid to try a seasonal treat! Eat treats mindfully, taking the time to savour the flavours. Many people have special memories associated with treats that are only available at this time of the year.

  • At the moment it might feel like alcoholic drinks make things merry, but keep in mind that alcohol is a depressant, reduces decision-making skills, dehydrates your cells, and of course isn’t safe if you drive. If you’re already feeling stressed, alcohol can often make things worse. Fortunately, a lot of exciting non-alcoholic drinks have entered the market, including kombucha, much-improved non-alcoholic beer, and low-sugar sparkling drinks. If you do want to drink alcohol, be sure to drink a lot of water after every drink.

3 - Find ways to stay active. 

It’s easy to hibernate when it’s dark and cold outside, but don’t let the weather slow you down. For social gatherings, suggest active get-togethers like walks, and if you’re able, explore winter sports like skiing, skating and snowshoeing. 

“Getting in shape” is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, but there’s no reason you have to wait until the new year! Even though you’re busy, exercising during the holidays will help you cope with stress and give you energy. You don’t have to commit to long workouts - every bit of activity helps. If you’re limited by time and money, you can find free workouts for every level and every length on YouTube. However, as always, if you’re not sure where to start, talk to a professional.

4 - Prioritize rest and sleep.

It’s hard to be energized and festive when you’re not getting enough sleep. No matter how busy you are, do your best to stick to your regular sleep schedule. It can take up to four days to recover from one hour of missed sleep! 

With all the stimulation of the holidays, you might find it harder to settle down to sleep and stay asleep. Focus on maintaining good sleep hygiene, including:

  • Reduce blue light exposure from your phone and other devices before bedtime. Blue light suppresses your body’s production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

  • Maintain a calm and cool sleeping environment.

  • Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime.

  • Don’t drink alcohol or eat right before you go to sleep.

5 - Give back and be mindful of others.

Emotions can run high during the holidays. We often remember those who are no longer with us, or wonder why our own festivities don’t measure up to a Hallmark holiday movie. Try to give some grace to yourself and others. Take a deep breath before you react to personal conflicts. Reach out to people you know are alone, and touch base with those you haven’t seen in a while.

When you give back to your community, you also experience many health benefits yourself. Studies have linked volunteer time with improved mental health, proving that volunteering or donating to a worthwhile charity can help elevate your mood. 

Staying healthy and happy over the holidays and into the new year, doesn’t have to be difficult. Reach out if you need assistance with any aspect of your well-being in the coming weeks. 

Happy holidays!


National Alliance on Mental Health, “Mental Health and the Holiday Blues” https://www.nami.org/Press-Media/Press-Releases/2014/Mental-health-and-the-holiday-blues

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, “Holiday Stress”


Cindy Chan, Cassie Mogilner. Experiential Gifts Foster Stronger Social Relationships than Material Gifts. Journal of Consumer Research, 2016; ucw067 DOI: 10.1093/jcr/ucw067

Yanovski JA, Yanovski SZ, Sovik KN, Nguyen TT, O'Neil PM, Sebring NG. A prospective study of holiday weight gain. N Engl J Med. 2000 Mar 23;342(12):861-7. doi: 10.1056/NEJM200003233421206. PMID: 10727591; PMCID: PMC4336296

Kitamura S, Katayose Y, Nakazaki K, Motomura Y, Oba K, Katsunuma R, Terasawa Y, Enomoto M, Moriguchi Y, Hida A, Mishima K. Estimating individual optimal sleep duration and potential sleep debt. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 24;6:35812. doi: 10.1038/srep35812. PMID: 27775095; PMCID: PMC5075948.

Yeung JWK, Zhang Z, Kim TY. Volunteering and health benefits in general adults: cumulative effects and forms. BMC Public Health. 2017 Jul 11;18(1):8. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4561-8. Erratum in: BMC Public Health. 2017 Sep 22;17 (1):736. PMID: 28693551; PMCID: PMC5504679.

Constantly Bloated? Time To Get To The Root Cause

Bloating is a very common condition that most people experience at some point. When you’re bloated, your stomach feels tight, full, and sometimes painful.

Often, we feel bloated after a large meal, and the discomfort is only short-term. Other times, bloating is related to an underlying health condition, and can cause severe symptoms that negatively affect quality of life.

Keep reading to find out more about bloating, its common causes, and how you can prevent it.

What Is Bloating?

Bloating refers to an excess of gas in the gut. Gasses such as oxygen, CO2, methane, and nitrogen enter the gut as you swallow air, and through the fermentation of foods in your large intestine.

A number of factors can cause increased gas in the gut.

  • Constipation. This is one of the most common causes of bloating. The longer the stool sits in the colon, the more time it has to ferment, resulting in more gas.

  • Food intolerances. Certain foods, such as lactose or gluten intolerance can cause gas and bloating.

  • Volume of food. Eating too much or eating too quickly can also cause uncomfortable gas and bloating.

  • Foods high in fat. Fatty foods are often high in sodium resulting in gas and bloating.

  • Poor gut health. Imbalances of the gut microbiome, aka the ecosystem of bacteria that lives in your gut.

  • Physical and mental factors. Stress, anxiety, weight gain, and changes during the menstrual cycle can also alter gut health and cause gas and bloating.

In some cases, bloating is caused by severe medical issues like infection, bowel obstruction, liver disease, or cancer. If you are experiencing chronic and painful bloating, it is important to identify the underlying cause with a medical expert.

How Can You Prevent Bloating?

1 - Avoid foods that cause bloating

Bloating treatment typically begins with changing your diet. Limiting foods that trigger bloating is essential. Certain foods contain high amounts of non- or poorly digestible compounds that lead to increased gas. These foods include:

  • Beans and lentils. Swap these for grains, meats, or quinoa. If you are going to eat beans, try soaking them or choosing easier-to-digest varieties such as pinto or black beans.

  • Carbonated drinks. Instead, choose flat water or herbal tea to avoid gas.

  • Wheat. This can be tricky to avoid, but you can incorporate several gluten-free alternatives into your diet, such as pure oats, quinoa, buckwheat, almond flour, and coconut flour.

  • Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and brussels sprouts. While nutritious, these can trigger bloating for some. Instead, consume more spinach, sweet potato, and water-based vegetables like cucumber.

  • Onions and garlic. To avoid excess gas, add flavour to your food with fresh herbs, or the green parts of scallions and chives.

  • Dairy. If your bloating is caused by lactose intolerance, swap for lactose-free products such as coconut, almond, or cashew milk.

  • Sugar alcohols. Xylitol, sorbitol, and mannitol are all heavily associated with excess gas. Swap for sweeteners that are easier to digest, such as stevia, monk fruit, or honey.

  • Avoid salty foods too often. High sodium intake has also been found to lead to water retention and the gut and bloated sensations.

  • Reduce consumption of fatty foods. High amounts of fat in the intestine also retain gas, leading to bloating. This is why you may feel bloated and uncomfortable after a fatty meal. These include fried foods, fast food, chips, chocolate, and pastries.

2 - Anti-bloating lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes to prevent bloating also include eating foods that support regular bowels and prevent constipation. To reduce constipation, increase fibre consumption. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are all high in fibre and will help to keep things moving.

As well, be sure to drink adequate fluids. This looks like about 2 litres of water a day.

It should be noted that adding fibre to your diet too quickly may worsen constipation at first, so add it gradually.

It’s also important to exercise regularly. Whether it’s walking, cycling, swimming, or jogging, try spending at least 30 minutes a day moving to maintain healthy bowels.

3 - Support your gut microbiome

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits and can help promote healthy levels of bacteria in the gut. Although more studies are needed, some research suggests probiotic consumption can reduce bloating. 

You can take probiotics in pill form, or consume probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso. If you try supplementing with probiotics, stick with a strain for at least 4 weeks to discern whether it has a beneficial effect on you.

It should also be noted that probiotics are not always recommended for bloating, like in cases of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) for example. Working together with a qualified healthcare practitioner is recommended to avoid making matters worse - I can help!

4 - Eat smaller portions more mindfully

Eating large volumes of food in a short amount of time is almost sure to leave you feeling bloated. Your stomach becomes stretched, leading to the pooling of gasses and solids inside the gut. Eating too quickly also can cause you to swallow too much air and is a possible cause of bloating. Furthermore, if the foods contain poorly digested carbs, your body will produce more gas.

Instead, focus on eating mindfully and enjoying every mouthful. Paying attention to our hunger and fullness cues is the first step in mindful eating. Slow down, place your fork down in between bites and chew thoroughly. Avoid eating whilst distracted such as scrolling on your phone or watching TV to prevent overeating.

5 - Keep a food journal

As you can see, a wide variety of foods can influence bloating. Stop guessing and start journaling! Keeping a detailed food journal can help you determine which foods are triggers for you. After a few weeks of logging what you eat and drink, you may be able to pinpoint what exactly causes uncomfortable bloating.

Be sure to also note things like any stressors (work load, family troubles, etc.) you’re experiencing in the journal since stress can be a major contributor.

6 - Get tested for GI issues

If bloating is more than a rare occurrence for you, getting proper GI testing is necessary. As mentioned earlier, these natural treatments and lifestyle changes may not suit everyone. A common symptom of bloating could be a larger issue in your intestines such as leaky gut, SIBO, IBS, IBD, and parasites.

Functional stool testing can determine what is really going on and can help to formulate a proper treatment plan. Your natural health practitioner can then help address underlying causes and steer you in the right direction.

There are many steps you can take to reduce the discomfort of bloating. Taking a mindful approach to diet and lifestyle is a great first step. But if your bloating persists for over a week and is consistently painful, reach out to our office - a qualified practitioner will help get you the proper testing necessary to further identify the root cause and get you bloat free for good!


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McKenzie YA, Bowyer RK, Leach H, Gulia P, Horobin J, O'Sullivan NA, Pettitt C, Reeves LB, Seamark L, Williams M, Thompson J, Lomer MC; (IBS Dietetic Guideline Review Group on behalf of Gastroenterology Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association). British Dietetic Association systematic review and evidence-based practice guidelines for the dietary management of irritable bowel syndrome in adults (2016 update). J Hum Nutr Diet. 2016 Oct;29(5):549-75. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12385. Epub 2016 Jun 8. PMID: 27272325.